The OUTinPerth team spend all day surfing the web looking for the latest news and stories to share. Here’s three recent stories from other outlets that are definitely worth a read.
SA Libs call for review into school ‘gender ideology’
The SA Liberal Women’s Council opposes and wants a review of how children are taught “adult related themes and content including gender ideology” in schools – a move some party members have dubbed “electorally suicidal” amid a shift to the right. Read this story from InDaily.
The first Scots College kid who tried to shame me turned out to be gay himself
Following the revelation that the Presbyterian church was arguing that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students should not be allowed to take up leadership positions in the Catholic Church, journalist Hamish McDonald shared his experiences of being a gay teenager at a prestigious private school. Read his story in the Sydney Morning Herald or listen to Hamish speak about it on ABC Radio.
Georgie Stone as the National Press Club
We live-tweeted Georgie Stone’s recent address to the National Press Club. If you haven’t heard what she had to say, it is worth watching in full.
Gay marriage brought equality to France while giving rise to homophobia
It’s a decade since France changed its marriage laws to allow same-sex couples to wed. The debate over the issue brought homophobia out into the public sphere and some argue that it has remained and grown in the years following. Read this story from RFI.
‘They just go to Thailand’: the long and costly wait for gender-affirming surgery in Australia
The Guardian looks into the long wait transgender people in Australia face if they want to undergo surgery, and why many people are opting to head overseas for procedures. The article highlights the lack of coverage under Australia’s Medicare system and how many people are accessing their superannuation to cover the costs. Read this story from The Guardian.
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