Thousand of people have taken to the street of Taiwan to call for marriage equality.
Protesters marched between the parliament and the headquarters of the country’s two biggest political party’s chanting “gay votes are still votes”.
Recent polls in Taiwan have shown that the majority of voters are in support of marriage equality and a recent report from the Department of Justice suggested that the law should be changed.
“Taiwan society has reached the point of acceptance of gay marriage, it’s a shame our politicians don’t seem to be on the same level as the people.” Protester Rafael Tsai told Reuters.
A poll in December 2014 showed support for marriage equality in Taiwan was at 67%.
In recent weeks Australian politicians have argued that Australia should not consider introducing marriage equality as it would put us out of step with our Asian neighbours.
The government’s Leader in the Senate, Senator Eric Abetz said we should look to Asia rather than America. Senator Abetz comments came after the US Supreme Court struck down bans against marriage equality in fourteen states.
Agriculture Minister Brnaby Joyce subsequently argued that Asian countries would see marriage equality as a decadence, and that it may affect our nations trade.
OIP Staff