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Tea With Miss Katherine :: Sandy Beaches

Miss Katherine takes a camp cup of tea with the wonderfully vivacious, curvacious and entertaining Miss Sandy Beaches to discuss good Italian girls, bricklaying and label whores.

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Miss Katherine: Hello, Miss Sandy Beaches, welcome to my home. You have the most marvelous skin for the stage – it just glows! What is you family’s background?

Sandy Beaches: Italian, I am a good wog girl. I am 21, raised South of the River, and I still live at home with my parents.

Miss Katherine: Oh, yes, you are a good girl! Aside from drag is there another career?

Sandy Beaches: Yes, my trade is hairdressing. I have done a few things… I studied primary school teaching for a while; I have been a bricklayer too….

Miss Katherine: In drag, do you have any role models?

Sandy Beaches: My role model would have to be Val Uptuous. She is my closest friend, and we have been friends for many years. She got me into drag, and she has always encouraged me.

Miss Katherine: Your costumes are fabulous. Do you make them yourself?

Sandy Beaches: No, other people make my clothes, but they are my ideas. Some dresses have also been handed down from Val and Cherry and Lola.

Miss Katherine: What is it like to perform in Perth?

Sandy Beaches: I have not done a lot of professional stuff. Most of my drag is amateur, but when I get on stage, I just feel free to express myself. My first time I really got stuck into a drag performance was for Drag Boot Camp at Skandalous. I have only been doing drag now for two and a half years. Having a full time job takes up a lot time, but I do drag when I can, and I love performing at Club West.

Miss Katherine: What is your favourite colour?

Sandy Beaches: My favorite colour would have to be blue, but it really depends on the day, what I am doing, and where I am going.

Miss Katherine: Your favourite number on stage?

Sandy Beaches: I really enjoy doing ‘Liza with a Z’. I know the crowd is really responsive when I do it, but I can also sing. I really love singing ‘If I Could Turn Back Time’ by Cher. I did it in a talent contest, and I really enjoyed it. I would love to combine my drag and singing… I would really love to be in a drag show where I could combine live song in my performance.

Miss Katherine: What size women’s shoe do you take and is there a favorite shoe designer?

Sandy Beaches: Ha, ha, ha… ladies I take a size 13. I am not shoe queen, so I don’t care what label the shoe is as long as it is pretty. Be it from Kmart or a smart shoe shop, it just has to be nice. I am like that with clothes too I am not a label whore, so I will be happy to wear a ten dollar dress if I like it, but if there is a thousand dollar dress, I will be just as happy. I would never buy something because of its label.

Miss Katherine: What is you favorite food?

Sandy Beaches: Pizza! I am Italian!

Miss Katherine: Do you think when Feminem arrives from Sydney you, her and Val may do a drag show together?

Sandy Beaches: You never know what may happen in the future… we are three big girls, and they are great people. I have worked with Val before on a number of occasions. Let’s just wait and see what happens.

Miss Katherine: I wish you lots of luck in your new drag adventures. I love your work on stage, and I hope to see more of you.

Sandy Beaches: Thank you very, very much, Miss Katherine, and thank you for having me.

Miss Katherine: Oh, you are so polite! You really are a good Italian Girl!


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