Sydney’s most popular gay couple at the moment are Sphen and Magic, a pair of penguins who reside at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium.
The keepers at the aquarium noticed that the pair of male penguins were displayed mating behaviour towards each other. The couple were always waddling around together and going on swims together.
When they cave them some pebbles for building a nest the couple constructed one straight away. The pair were given a dummy egg to look after but they’ve since upgraded to the real thing.
Now the pair have been given an egg from another penguin couple who had two eggs and Sphen and Magic are looking after it. The pair of Gentoo penguins will hopefully be parents in the near future.
Penguins often lay two eggs, but the parent will reject the weaker chick at birth. So by passing one of the eggs on to the gay couple the egg has a greater chance of survival.
The aquarium says Sphen and Magic take turns looking after the egg, while one keeps the egg warm, the other patrols the perimeter on guard duty.