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styleAID 2007: ae'lkemi's Alvin Fernandez

Alvin Fernandez is one of those young designers with an amazing foresight and understanding of the fashion buying public’s desires. With the capacity to follow the form and flow of a woman’s body, he creates fashion that explores what it is to be a woman in today’s world. Moreover, in the past two years, he has brought his eye for detail and hand dying skills to menswear, designing a range of shirts and pants that have a sophisticated edge to them. In his current collection, Alvin has been inspired by all that glitters, as he infuses his designs with 70’s glamour that evokes memories of Studio 54 and thoughts of Bianca Jagger on holiday in Mallorca. 

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Mark Reid: Where do you see WA fashion heading in the next few years?

Alvin Fernandez:  WA already has such a diverse industry. I feel our industry is constantly moving forward, and having healthy competition is always good, it motivates others to do better. If we have continual support within the industry and other schemes like ArtsWA to help develop upcoming and existing labels, it should enable the industry to grow at the local, national and international level.

MR: Do you see WA being your base in the future or as you expand further will you base in the east?

AF: Perth is my home; it gave me my start and has created many exciting opportunities for my label and me. I have found I was able to develop my label to the level it is at right now while based in Perth. It has never been an issue for me to have to move somewhere else to forward my label. 

It’s a lifestyle thing for me personally. It’s great to travel and be open to many different experiences and visit many other cities and build on new ventures, but it’s always nice to come back to Perth.

We are currently looking for a new studio space as we have outgrown the one we have now. I’m looking forward to having more of a working studio with a concept store and many expansion projects coming up within the brand, including perhaps home wares in the future… So, I think we might be here for a while.

MR: You have been involved with StyleAID for a number of years, what are your reflections on the event?

AF: It’s weird to think back to when I was a dresser, which was my first experience of being involved in StyleAID. Even after showing for a few years, it’s still very bizarre to be on the other side of the catwalk. It seems like it was not too long ago that I was sorting model’s shoes, doing quick changes and sneaking out front to pinch bottles of Moet.

MR: What does being involved with StyleAID mean to you?

AF: I always have a great night. I had my first date with my partner now two years ago, and so it brings back many fond memories. It’s great to be involved and to be able to lend my support to such a worthy cause is just a bonus every year.

MR: What trends do you see emerging in the next year?

AF: Metallic seems to be a highlight. I am a defiant slave to it at the moment – anything shiny and I’m distracted!

MR: Do you think there is a distinct design influence here in WA. If so, does it influence your design when you put a new collection together?

AF: Because we are quite isolated, I think we do have a definite style. Comments from international buyers have even touch on it.

I pretty much like to do my own thing. I have a schizo way of designing and like to take totally separate genres and mix them up. I think because I get bored very quickly that I like to research numerous themes at once.

The people around me are a great influence, such as my muse Constance and best friend Sanela. I’m a very visual person and at the moment a movie, 2046, and its soundtrack is the base for my new winter collection. 

For a full range of stockists for Alvin’s range please visit the ae’lkemi website at


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