Loton Park committee members thank everyone for spreading the word about saving the unique club and say support is building within the community, with people expressing that they do not want to lose Australia’s only gay and lesbian tennis club. The club hopes the momentum will continue in February with more people coming down to Loton Park to have a hit and see what the Club is all about. Loton Park has signed up some new members already and the Management Committee is hopeful that the club will make the target of 80 members by the end of February. One major fund raising event for the Club is Love All on the 21 February – for full details go to www.loveall.com.au.
On the tennis side, the Tennis West League competition starts again this month after the summer break with all four Loton Park teams on schedule to play in the finals: the Women’s O/35 are fourth, Mixed Night Team are third and the Men’s and Women’s Night Teams are both on top of their respective ladders. Social tennis is every Wednesday evening from 5pm and every Saturday from 2pm and is all about socializing with the focus on fun not skill level. For full details about the club www.lotonpark.com.au.
The Sapphic Trampers will have an outing to Penguin Island on Sunday, February 8th. Option 1 is a short sea kayaking trip leaving from the Shoalwater foreshore area around 9.30am exploring the close shore islands and ending with lunch on Penguin Island. A good level of paddling skill fitness and confidence is required. Women will have to provide their own kayaks.
Option 2 is for any fitness level, with women requited simply to get themselves to the island for a picnic and some snorkeling on the eastern sandy beach. The best way to reach the island is the ferry which leaves on the hour and costs $12.
Contact Jude (9328 9952, 0422 654 244 or j.comfort@curtin.edu.au) or Sue (9371 0641, 0421 473 217 or scandrd@iinet.net.au).
The start of the 2009 WAWFL season is just around the corner and preseason training for most of clubs is underway. With last year proving that the WAWFL is at a highly competitive level, this year’s on the field team rivalry is set to make for good viewing. If footy has been on the list of things to do, then 2009 is the year to do it! For further information on how to get involved, check out www.wawfl.com.au.
Ever wanted to learn to trip the light fantastic? Well, take those first steps to making this a reality by coming along to OUTDANCE – the same sex dance class, every Tuesday night from 6.30pm at the Mt Hawthorn Community Centre. Learn a range of great Latin and Modern ballroom dances in a supportive environment. Newcomers always welcome, and there are options ranging from one-week to year-long. You don’t have to be Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers to join OUTDANCE. Contact 0417 911 214, 0401 700 562 or outdanceperth@aol.com for information or to make a booking.
Set to celebrate its third birthday in 2009, G&L Badminton continues to provide a friendly alternative to pubbing and clubbing. Social matches are held at Alma Venville Recreation Centre, corner 8th Ave and Guildford Rd in Maylands, every Wednesday night 7.30-9.30pm. Whatever your experience, G&L Badminton has a match to suit – contact Dallas on 0415 486 854 or dallastexjr@hotmail.com.
Disclaimer: The appearance of any sport, club or individual on these pages should not be taken as an indication of any particular affiliation, sexual orientation or gender identity.
To find out more about the sporting groups in Perth or to have your club listed in OiP’s Sports Roundup, contact Megan – megan@www.outinperth.com or 9371 9877.