Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, has announced his government will bring in new rules around gender, noting he took he as inspired by US President Donald Trump.
Fico said his government would only recognise the genders of male and female, and that sex can only be change for “serious reasons”.
The proposal put forward on Tuesday is described as being inline with the “traditions and the cultural and spiritual legacy of our ancestors.”
He has also announced that same-sex couples will be barred from adopting children.
It follows the country’s Culture Minister recently announcing that she would restrict funding to any group that voiced pro-LGBT positions.
The suddenfocus on gender and sexuality issues has been described as an attempt to distract from the Prime Ministers current political woes.
In recent weeks there’s been widespread protests against the government following the Prime Minister making a trip to Russia. The Prime Minister has often voiced pro-Russia statements, and this has angered citizens who would like to see the country honour their commitments to NATO and the European Union.
Several of Fico’s coalition members have withdrawn support for him, leaving him in minority government and facing calls for an election.
Over the weeks rallies against the government were held in 25 cities and towns across the country. Local media estimated 100,000 people attended the protests, with 40,000 marching through the capital Bratislava.