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Sir Ian McKellen recovering after falling from London stage

Sir Ian McKellen has posted a message to fans sharing that he’s expected to make a full recovery after he dramatically fell from a London stage.

The legendary actor was taken to hospital on Monday after falling off the stage during a performance of Robert Icke’s Player Kings at the Noel Coward Theatre in London.

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Sir Ian lost his footing during a fight scene in the play, leading to the cancelation of the remainder of the evening’s performance, as well as subsequent shows later in the week.

The actor has posted a message to social media letting everyone know he’s okay.

“I want to thank everyone for their kind messages and support.” he said.

“Since the accident, during a performance of Player Kings last night, my injuries have been diagnosed and treated by a series of experts, specialists and nurses working for the National Health Service.

To them, of course, I am hugely indebted. They have assured me that my recovery will be complete and speedy and I am looking forward to returning to work.” the actor said.

Thye production has announced that McKellen will make a return to the stage on Thursday, the show’s three-month run is scheduled to end this week.

The play is adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, and McKellen plays the character of Falstaff in the show. The 85-year-old actor has been praised by critics for his performance in the play.


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