One of the most intriguing productions to visit The Pleasure Garden this February is “All The Single Lad(ie)s”, the latest work from local company The Cutting Room Floor. OUTinPerth spoke to cast member Jack Walker about what the show has in store. “Well if I had to put it really simply I’d say it’s like half a drag show and half like a hostage drama.” He laughed. The production promises to challenge gender roles with the combined powers of theatre and Beyonce.
“It’s really interesting, it challenges gender roles and it looks at the double standard that there is with gender equality and it discusses femininity and masculinity and how you can draw a line between those two, and just looking at the definitions of those things”
“It’s not saying that men are better than females or females are better than men, but it’s just saying that we all need to be equal, obviously. That’s a huge thing. Like it looks at the patriarchy and how the patriarchy doesn’t just effect women, it effects men and it effects everyone.”
You can catch All the Single Lad(ie)s at Pink Flamingo from the 17th-23rd of February.
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Sophie Joske