Parents, teachers and students joined politicians today to call for the reinstatement of the Safe Schools program.
The rally in Perth’s Murray Street mall attracted hundreds of supporters, while a counter protest from the Reclaim Australia movement played out nearby. Police stood between the two groups keeping the peace.
Joey Cookman McAuley was the first speaker to address the rally. The mother of two young children spoke about her own experiences of being bullied during her education. Cookman McAuley said name calling and bullying could leave scars that were so powerful they changed people forever.
“There was no Safe Schools program when I was a teen and how I wish there had been.” Cookman McAuley said. “Maybe I wouldn’t have spent so many years feeling like an outcast if I had had a place where I could have understood all the things going on inside my head and my heart. Maybe I would have been able to stop having to hide who I was a lot sooner than I did.”
The LGBTIQ rights advocate said it was time for conservative politicians to stop labeling people of diverse sexuality as deviants.
“Difference is not wrong. It’s just different.” Cookman McAuley said.
Scott Ludlam: The Safe Schools program should never have been politicised
The Greens’ senator Scott Ludlam spoke to the crowd describing the counter rally from Reclaim Australia as “six angry pointless men”.
Senator Ludlam said it was disappointing that the anti-bullying program had become such a political issue.
“It is something of a disaster that something as simple as Safe Schools has been politicised. I feel embarrassed as one of your representatives, as a senator, to have be turning out at an event like this.” Senator Ludlam said.
“This is about safety. This is about respect. Lets keep it simple.”
Watch Scott Ludlam’s speech below.
Students, Teachers and Parents voice support
Students, teachers and parents spoke in favour of the program.
Kai Schweizer created a Facebook page that allows young people the opportunity to share why the Safe Schools Coalition program has had a positive effect on their life and education.
“I want to remind everyone here especially all the young people… there is nothing wrong with you. To all the parents of queer kids, there is nothing wrong with your children. We should all be free to go to school to get an education without the constant fear of harassment.” Schweizer said.
Schweizer said there were still many kids in school who didn’t get a chance to talk about their sexuality out of fear.
Watch Kai Schweizer’s speech
School teacher Oskar Lim spoke on behalf of Sam Schofield from the State School Teachers Union of WA.
“The State School Teacher’s Union of WA (SSTUWA) is committed to protecting the industrial and professional and civil rights of its members and the rights of all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTIQ) people throughout the world. Every person has the right to identify or not identify themselves in a chosen way regarding their own sex, sexuality and gender.” Lim said.
“The SSTUWA believes that all children have the right to high quality public education, and the opportunity to maximise their learning potential regardless of their gender diversity, intersex status and/or sexual orientation.
“The SSTUWA supports Safe Schools Coalition WA which complements the work undertaken through the Equal Opportunity Commission of WA in producing the 2014 Guidelines for Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity in Schools.
The school teachers union said homophobia and transphobia could have significant effects on an individuals education.
“Homophobic and transphobic discrimination can have significant negative impacts on a student’s academic participation and performance and can result in social exclusion and isolation which in turn can limit future opportunities.
“It is important that our schools are free from homophobia and transphobia and are safe, affirming environments for all students, staff and families.
The rally included a wide range of speakers including a representative from PFLAG who shared her experiences as a mother, grandmother and as a teacher with over 50 years of experience. Transgender student JJ spoke about her own experiences in the education system.
OIP Staff
This programme that people think is so wonderful to role out onto other people’s children is personal agenda of LBGTQ community.
Different people are widely accepted these days & this particular subject is not even in the top three of student bullying.
Federal government had the material analysed by a child psychologist, it is deemed highly inappropriate & what a pedophile would do to groom children.
A very small percentage is in regards to bullying. If anyone has a different opinion, they are bullied, singled out & intimidated by LBGTQ supporters.
Many LBGT people are products of sexual abuse & pedophilia.
It’s child grooming & the people who put this programme together can’t be trusted.
The role playing is so intense that the programme states some children may need de-rolling.
That’s just one thing that is outrageous.
This programme that people think is so wonderful to role out onto other people’s children is personal agenda of LBGTQ community.
Different people are widely accepted these days & this particular subject is not even in the top three of student bullying.
Federal government had the material analysed by a child psychologist, it is deemed highly inappropriate & what a pedophile would do to groom children.
A very small percentage is in regards to bullying. If anyone has a different opinion, they are bullied, singled out & intimidated by LBGTQ supporters.
Many LBGT people are products of sexual abuse & pedophilia.
It’s child grooming & the people who put this programme together can’t be trusted.
The role playing is so intense that the programme states some children may need de-rolling.
That’s just one thing that is outrageous.
Dear Melissa Jayne,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic of the Safe Schools Coalition.
The federal government did commission a review of the Safe Schools Coalition program. It was conducted by Emeritus Professor Bill Louden from the University of Western Australia.
You can read about the review here:
At the end of the report there is a link to Professor Louden’s full report.
Professor Louden did make some recommendations to changing this program, but the Turnbull government has order changes that many people believe reach beyond the suggested recommendations.
The report did not make any finding comparing this program to the actions of a paedophile.
LNP politician, George Christiensen from Queensland did however make this suggestion under parliamentary privilege. Mr Christiensen made these claims prior to the commissioning of Professor Louden’s report.
Mr Christiensen was not specifically referring to the curriculum of the program but content on the website of a supporting organisation – Minus 18.
Mr Christiensen also commented on material on other websites linked to the minus 18 website. Yes, shockingly the internet is made up of websites that often have hyperlinks between them.
Later during a media interivew Mr Christiensen said he actually hadn’t read the curriculum that he was complaining about – he was just going on what other people had told him.
You also make reference to a finding that role playing within the program is so intense that teachers need to ‘de-role’ students after the program is delivered.
I think you may be confusing the Safe Schools program with a completely different program that runs in Victorian schools. This program is focussed on reducing domestic violence. There has been a fair amount of media coverage of it in the last week.
Here’s a link to a report in Melbourne newspaper The Age.
Different program entirely.
You assert that many people who are LGBT are the products of sexual abuse. You’re not the first person to make this claim. It’s a claim that’s previously been made by Evangelical Church leader Margaret Court na dmany others.
This is often a claim put forward by recognised anti-gay groups. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory. The Southern Poverty Law Centre in the USA lists this as one of the most common myths about LGBT people.
Feel free to read up on the other nine myths too.
Thanks for reading OUTinPerth. Feel free to drop me an email or call the office if there’s anything else you need clarified with facts.
Graeme Watson
Melissa I’m straight but it still blows my mind that in 2016 we can’t all just treat each other as equal human beings.
If LGBT people get married or adopt or are allowed to feel safe in school how does that effect me or you at all? It doesn’t, there’s just no logical reason to discriminate other than archaic religious excuses with no relevance to modern life.
Why don’t they just leave these people alone and let them be happy. How are we supposed to solve all the greater problems on this planet if we can’t even stop arguing about the private lives of consenting adults?
Good article OIP.
I didnt go, because I was too worried the idiot fascists turning up would turn it into a dangerous fiasco, but it sounds like it was a positive and well run event. Good work people, and I wait eagerly for the day my gay, lesbian and trans pals can have the same rights I do. This cause is worth it.