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Rugby Lover's Bust Up ends Pair up in Court

Openly gay former rugby league player Ian Roberts has faced court over an alleged attack on his former boyfriend, Ben Prideaux, at a backpacker hostel in Sydney’s Kings Cross area in July of 2006. The sportsman-turned-actor told the court that he was just holding back Mr Prideaux’s hands down to stop him from scratching him, saying ‘He was fanatical. He had worked himself up. I tried to calm him down. I said: Babe, it’s me; its all good,â?. Allegedly he then held Mr Prideaux’s face to try and calm him down, but to no avail. The court heard that Roberts went to the hostel to retrieve his personal computer by mistake, as it was identical to the one Mr Prideaux was using. Mr Roberts decided to leave without his computer when the hotel receptionist said that she would call the police. Mr Prideaux had said that he had tried to hit Roberts but could not as he was a ‘big, cuddly softieâ?. The pair are to reappear in May, where the case will continue.


On This Gay Day: The TV series M*A*S*H premiered

One of the show's most memorable characters would be the dress-loving Corporal Klinger.

UK’s Statistics Office finds question on gender unreliable

The UK has found its census question about gender history was not reliable.

Registrations are now open for the 2024 Pride Run and Walk

It's one of the best events of PrideFEST!

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

We’re always on the hunt for great new music...


Don't miss

On This Gay Day: The TV series M*A*S*H premiered

One of the show's most memorable characters would be the dress-loving Corporal Klinger.

UK’s Statistics Office finds question on gender unreliable

The UK has found its census question about gender history was not reliable.

Registrations are now open for the 2024 Pride Run and Walk

It's one of the best events of PrideFEST!

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

We’re always on the hunt for great new music...

‘Profiles in Hope’ aims to share stories of surviving suicide

Former politician John Brogden shines a light on suicide prevention.

On This Gay Day: The TV series M*A*S*H premiered

One of the show's most memorable characters would be the dress-loving Corporal Klinger.

UK’s Statistics Office finds question on gender unreliable

The UK has found its census question about gender history was not reliable.

Registrations are now open for the 2024 Pride Run and Walk

It's one of the best events of PrideFEST!