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Rodney Croome – personal stories will bring change to marriage laws

Rodney Croome

Australian Marriage Equality’s National Convener Rodney Croome is in Perth this week for the launch of his book ‘From This Day Forward’.

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The marriage equality advocate isn’t wasting anytime while he’s in town, yesterday morning he hosted a forum for marriage equality activists discussing the strategies AME will be implementing to make marriage equality a reality in Australia, tonight’s he launching his book on the topic, and in between he’s talking to media outlets about the state of play.

One of the key focus areas of the campaign will be to highlight stories about how LGBTIQ people still face discrimination because the current laws don’t permit same sex couples to wed.

One recent example highlighted by Australian Marriage Equality was the tragic story of Tasmanian man Ben Jago whose partner committed suicide in January. Despite Jago and his partner of five years having been in a defacto relationship Tasmanian authorities refused to recognise him as his partner’s next of kin.

Speaking to Kylie Sturgess of RTRFM’s ‘Morning Magazine’ earlier today said powerful personal would be a central part of the campaign for marriage equality.

“[Ben Jago’s experience] really illustrates the problem we have when same sex couple aren’t able to become part of the instution of marriage. If Ben and Nathan, his late partner, had been able to marry – and they did intend to marry in New Zealand next year – then they would have had a marriage certificate, and it would have put have puts Ben’s legal status beyond a doubt whatsoever.” Mr Croome said.

Mr Croome said even if the couple had chosen not to marry, if marriage equality was a reality society would have given their relationship more meaning. Mr Croome said the current situation allowed government authorities to treat the couples relationship as something lesser.

The marriage equality advocate said stories of this nature had a big impact on the campaign. Mr Croome said sharing stories about couples circumstances allowed all Australians to recognise the love and commitment in same sex relationships.

Mr Croome said Australian Marriage Equality was focussed on getting undeclared politicians in the lower house to declare their support for marriage equality. Currently six or seven more supporters are required in the lower house.

The second focus for AME is to convince politicians that the proposed plebiscite in an expensive and unnecessary proposal. Finally Mr Croome said the organisation was working towards a large scale campaign if the plebiscite does become a reality.

‘From This Day Forward: marriage equality in Australia’ will be launched tonight at 5:30 pm Monday November 16th at the Prescott Room, Vice-Chancellery, UWA

If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, support and counselling are available;

Lifeline: 13 11 14

beyondblue: 1300 22

QLife: 1800 184 527 
(QLife are a counselling and referral service for LGBTI people)



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