Hundreds of religious and political leaders from around the world have called on governments to introduce bans that stop conversion therapy, the practice of trying to convince someone that they can change their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Among those singing the letter is well know LGBT rights activist Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and David Rosen, the former Chief Rabbi or Ireland. The call was launched on Wednesday at a meeting of the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
The practice of conversion therapy can include physical treatments, including electric shock treatment, to religious teachings and talking therapies. Laws banning the practice have been introduced in Switzerland and some parts of the USA. In Australia laws have been introduced in the Australian Capital Territory and Queensland, while legislation is currently before the Victorian parliament.
Former British Prime Minister Theresa May pledged to bring in legislation in the United Kingdom, a promise that has been echoed by current Prime Minister Boris Johnston, however there appears to have been little progress on developing the laws.
Critics of the ban argue that it can lead to religious freedom being impinged and provide a dead-end for people who are desperate to reject their sexuality on religious grounds.
Rabbi Mel Gottlieb, the president of the Academy for Jewish Religion, California; the Reverend John C. Dorhauer, the general minister and president of the United Church of Christ; and the Reverend Michael-Ray Mathews, president of the Alliance of Baptists are among the 370 signatories to the letter.
The group also call on governments who still have laws outlawing homosexuality on their books to take action. A report released earlier this week highlighted that are still 69 countries where being same-sex attracted is illegal.
OIP Staff
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