The hilarious Queer PowerPoint series is returning to WA Museum Boola Bardip for a special PrideFEST edition.
Created by Xanthe Dobbie and Harriet Gillies, the event brings together performers, creatives and entertainers to tell stories, explore their favourite subjects and share their loves, peeves and curiosities with the audience through the ancient art of Microsoft PowerPoint.
The team have continued to share the love around Australia since their appearance at WA Museum in 2022, sharing slides at Rising Festival, Sydney WorldPride and the Sydney Opera House.
Taking to the stage here in Boorloo will be playwright and author Andrew Sutherland, visual artist JC, performer and partymaker Elijah Bartholomew and theatre creator Phoebe Sullivan.
Queer PowerPoint is coming to WA Museum Boola Bardip this Friday 10 November. For more, head to
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