Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewald star Ezra Miller has spoken on their gender in a new feature interview with GQ at his Vermont farm.
The 26-year-old came out as queer back in 2012, and has now shared that the don’t see their gender as male or female.
“I was pleasantly surprised and overjoyed by how much room there was for my very strange and fluid expressions,” Miller told GQ.
“I’m comfortable with all the pronouns. I let he/his/him ride, and that’s fine.”
Miller also expounded on his views on the #MeToo movement and the issue of toxic masculinity in Hollywood and beyond.
“We have a lot of eagles out here, and if an eagle starts dive-bombing the crew, the rooster will go out separate from the herd and pretend to be injured, so that the eagle will come and kill the rooster instead of hurting any of his babies,” Miller said of his farm.
“That’s masculinity. That’s what it’s supposed to look like, you know what I mean? I’m going to pretend to be weak, I’m going to pretend to be vulnerable so that you attack me before you’d attack one of the women in my posse. You feel me?”
“I’m looking for a man like that,” Miller added, “I don’t know about you. I’m looking for a rooster-type man.”