It’s a story that’s gone around the globe, a teacher in Queensland has been accused of being quite cat like.
In recent years OUTinPerth has reported on numerous occasions where politicians and right-wing pundits have claimed there are students who identify as cats. It’s a recognised urban myth that designed to denigrate transgender youth.
The latest report from Brisbane’s Courier Mail alleges that a teacher at one of the state’s largest schools was wearing cat ears and was named Miss Purr. Photos of the teacher accompanied the story.

The initial report quotes several unnamed sources. All are described as relatives of students at the school. The newspaper says Miss Purr would hiss at students and lick the back of her hands, alongside wearing cat ears.
We asked the Queensland Department of Education if they could provide any clarity around the claims, and if the teacher actually identified as a cat as some of the reporting claims.
A spokesperson for the Department of Education repeated their previous media statement saying the issue had been dealt with.
“The school is aware of parents’ concerns and the principal addressed the issue directly with the teacher as soon as they became aware.
“Teachers are held to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.
“This behaviour is not acceptable in Queensland state schools.” the spokesperson said.
OUTinPerth understands the teacher is no longer employed by the school.
The lack of clarity around what has occurred at the school has triggered a wave of online speculation about what the teacher’s motivations might have been.