Education Minister Christopher Pyne has described colleague Eric Abetz’s call for multiple Ministers to resign over their marriage equality beliefs as “not helpful”.
Yesterday Senator Abetz made numerous radio and television appearances arguing against same sex marriage for a variety of reasons.
Speaking to SBS radio Mr Abetz said members of the government’s front bench who publicly support marriage equality should resign.
Eric Abetz calls for front bench marriage equality supporters to resign.
Speaking to Channel Nine this morning Mr Pyne said that Mr Abetz’s comments were “not helpful”.
“The Prime Minister’s made it absolutely clear many times that everyone can have a different view on this matter and their views need to be respected,” Mr Pyne told Channel Nine.
Mr Pyne also told Channel Nine that he didn;t know what polyamory was. Yesterday Senator Abetz told SKY News that allowing same sex marriage would open a Pandora’s Box of problems, including polyamory.
“I’m not sure I know what polyamory is, but it doesn’t sound very attractive,” Mr Pyne said.
Also appearing on Nine’s TODAY show was Labor’s Anthony Albanese. Mr Albanese said Mr Abetz was out of touch.
“Eric Abetz’s views don’t have a place in modern Australia. Modern Australia is tolerant, we should be allowed to have a debate in the parliament.” Mr Albanese said.
The ABC and Australian Marriage Equality have released an overview of where coalition members stand on marriage equality – see where your local member stands.
OIP Staff