Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has praised colleague Bill Shorten’s contributions to Australia and the Labor movement as Shorten announced his retirement from politics.
At a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra Shorten said he would not be seeking a seventh term as the member for Maribyrnong and next year would become the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra. At the Prime Minister’s request Shorten will continue to serve in his Ministerial role until February.
The Prime Minister praised Shorten time as the party’s leader.
“Bill took over in the wake of a demoralising 2013 defeat. He united the party, he reenergized the caucus, he saw off two Prime Ministers, and he rebuilt labor into a strong opposition and a genuine alternative government.
“Through his years as leader, no one worked harder than Bill. No one brought more energy, enthusiasm, ideas and ambition to advocating for the need for a Labor government.” Albanese said.
Calling time on his political career Shorten said all politicians had an obligation to leave the world a better place than they found it.
“In the end we’re all just passing through. What matters is whether we leave the place better than we found it. That’s the challenge I’ve always been up for.” Shorten said.
“I genuinely consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in politics. I’ve been the member for Maribyrnong. It’s a community I love so much. I’ve had the privilege to serve in portfolios that I care about.”
Shorten said his six years leading the Labor party in Opposition saying he was proud of standing up to the policies of the Abbot Liberal government.
“When I was voted labor leader after the 2013 election, the party… that was at a low ebb. We were reduced to 55 seats, our worst result since 1996, we were up against an ascendant Abbott government with a fierce, ideological agenda, and the 2014 budget was the center of that.”
“I understand that we didn’t win every battle but Labor, we never stopped trying. Whether it was defending Medicare or real action on climate, marriage equality, advancing First Nations representation our ranks, championing wages and conditions, setting a target of 50% of women MPs by 2025 the banking royal commission or tax reform.
He also cited establishing the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the investigation into Robodebt as some of his major achievements in politics.

Shorten said he was looking forward to life outside of parliament.
“I’ve been chosen to be the Vice Chancellor of the University of Canberra. Education is the modern means of taking someone from disadvantage to advantage in a way that no other methods can and universities have a critical role to play.
“The hopes and dreams of Australians are lifted when they’re able to fulfill their own potential, and the hopes and dreams of our nation are lifted, too.
“I’m looking forward to joining a university that had been rated number one in the world for reducing inequalities, where 40% of graduates are the first in family to obtain a degree.” Shorten said.

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles released a statement saying Shorten would be greatly missed in parliament.
Noting that he’d been friends with Shorten since they were both teenagers, and had risen up through the ranks of unions and the Labor party, Marles said Shorten had played a central role in rebuilding the Labor party after they lost government in 2013.
“After the 2013 election loss, Bill led the ALP for six years and played a central role in rebuilding Labor’s stocks. His efforts were critical to our ultimate electoral success in 2022.” Marles said.
Shorten’s career saw him rise through the union movement and into politics
Shorten first came to national prominence as the head of the Australian Worker’s Union, where he played a significant role in the Beaconsfield mine collapse in 2006.
He made the move to federal politics becoming the member for Maribyrnong the following year. Following the 2010 election he was appointed to cabinet serving as the Assistant Treasurer, and then the Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Workplace Relation in the Gillard government.
When Former PM Kevin Rudd returned for a second stint as Prime Minister, Shorten was the Minister for Education for a few months until the government’s defeat at the polls.
He served as Opposition leader from 2013 and 2019 failing twice to take Labor to election victory. After the Morrison government’s surprise win at the 2019 election he stepped down as leader.
Under the leadership of Anthony Albanese Shorten served as the Minister for Government Services and the NDIS, bringing in significant reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.