Singer, chantress, world musician – Peru, the Singing Woman, recently performed a ‘Fire of Love’ concert as part of Kulcha’s Fremantle Arts Festival offerings. Here, in her own words, she talks of her musical and spiritual journey and the audiences that have joined her on it.
‘Music is an expression of my life, and music is an expression of connectedness. My musical path has reflected very much my spiritual path. In leaving behind music as a tool of entertainment, the combination of music and spirituality has meant that I have gone really deep with both aspects.
‘I would hope that at some point in my performance the audience is actually going to jump in there and discover that they can sing too and that there is a joy and a freedom in joining in the music for themselves… My music is very much music of devotion. It is devoted to the feminine energy of the earth and the universe, and I know that energy has nothing to do with me, even though I’m singing it.
‘To me woman embodies the feminine energy… The feminine is the earth, and she has all of these different expressions of who she is, but essentially, in principle and the essence of herself, she is love. Not many women, however, are actually fully embodying their love…. The essence of love, although it is immensely powerful, it is immensely vulnerable.
‘The role of the masculine, in the pure sense, is truth, is the light of consciousness, or you could say, it is pure intelligence, pure mind. Woman is awakening to that feminine principle, and man is also awakening to that feminine principle within himself. The more that that wakes up, the more love we will see wake up on the planet.
‘Within every person you have the masculine and the feminine. If a woman goes into the deep, she will find that in herself is the pure masculine and that it is him in the deep that is holding her and loving her and there is a oneness. The challenge is to live as that, to taste your essence in the deep – and many people may experience that through music, through meditation, through making love – and then to actually embody the depth of that love and live as it.’