Mark Wales will be the Liberal party’s candidate for the vital seat of Tangney at the next federal election, and he’s used his first speech to party members to outline his view on speaking about people who are transgender.
Wales is a former SAS officer, business consultant and motivational speaker. He’s best known for appearing on the Network 10 series Survivor.
The West Australian has reported that Wales used his first speech to Liberal party members to outline how as an MP he’d stand up for free speech, citing author JK Rowling’s views on people who are transgender.

During a speech given on Saturday Wales reportedly said protecting freedom of speech was a top priority for him as a candidate.
“Starting with freedom of speech…. like JK Rowling, standing up to the bullies who went after her for suggesting it’s not okay for men who identify as women to take the place of our daughters on swim teams.” Wales said.
The aspiring politician also said he would be focusing on protecting people’s religious freedom if he was successful at winning the seat back for the Liberals.
The affluent electorate which covers the suburbs of Bicton, Riverton, Ferndale, parts of Murdoch and Canningvale had always been considered a safe Liberal seat.
The Liberal party held the seat from 1984 until the last federal election, aside from a short period in 2016 when the party dumped the sitting member Dennis Jensen.
At the 2022 election a massive swing saw the seat won by Labor’s Sam Lim, a former police officer.