Adult film star and avid vlogger Mickey Taylor has just released his first musical project ‘Dirty’. The video features fellow musician and video blogger Brendan John.
While filming the video, the pair also created a comical couple of video posts listing 50 ways to turn down gay sex. The video were inspired by a post from vlogger Grace Helbig.
First they give 25 suggestions on Mickey’s YouTube channel, then in a second video they declare an 25 additional excuses over on Brendan’s channel.
Are these safe to watch at work? Depends on where you work. Scroll down for the videos.
Check out the second 25 ways to say no on Brendan John’s channel. See the video below.
Check out Brendan and Mickey together in the video for Mickey’s track ‘Dirty’.
Take a listen to Brendan’s track ‘Haunted’ too.