Yesterday the official Facebook page for One Nation’s Michelle Meyers was taken offline as it was swamped by people posted images of rainbows and queer families.
Before the page was deleted, Meyers told those posting rainbows to her page that she stood by her comments.
Her statements, which were first reported by OUTinPerth, suggested that the gay community using an Nazi or Soviet styled mind control program created by two Norwegian homosexuals from Harvard University.
The aspiring politician said the information was available online for everyone to access and encouraged people to find out more by googling the works of Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen.
So we did…
Kirk and Madsen, who are American – not Norwegian, published an essay in 1985 which suggested a pathway for activist to advance the cause of LGBT rights. The essay is titled The Overhauling of Straight America.
It argues that following the period of gay liberation in the 1970s and 1980s activists should take on an more conservative approach drawing on techniques of public relations and advertising to promote gay rights.
They later expanded their work into a book called After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s. The book was published in 1989, but makes no mention of mind control techniques beyond those commonly used in the marketing and advertising industry.
Marshall Kirk passed away in 2005. Madsen, who initially published under the pseudonym Erastes Pill, spoke to ABC radio about the pairs work back in 2015.
Since the publication of the book Dr Madsen has worked in digital marketing for many companies included Yahoo! and Wired magazine.
The author told ABC radio’s Noel Debien, the claim that he created the gay agenda has a little bit of truth and a great deal of overblown hyperbole.
Since it’s publication the pairs book has become a focus for right wing conservatives and religious groups who claim that there is a covert plan by homosexuals to change society for the worse.
Dr Madsen told the ABC that one of the books main arguments was that gay people should come out and be open about their sexuality.
“One thing we recommend in the book is that gay people come out of the closet as quickly and as graciously as possible, because there’s nothing like friends and family, and co-workers, and even people on the street, seeing gay people and connecting with them and realising how much they share in common with those folks.” Dr Madsen said.
The author said the book had congealed a lot of thinking among gay leaders at the time but disagreed that it had been as influential as critics claim.
“I think the reason the religious right has latched on to my book and exaggerated its historical impact is that it needed a scapegoat. Public attitude has shifted dramatically in favour of civil rights for gays over the last 35 years since the book came out, and the religious right would rather not credit the public with coming to it’s own senses and it’s own fundamental compassion on the issue.” Dr Madsen said.
Graeme Watson
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