August 11’s Pink Ball marked the final show for long-time Club West interpreter Michael Levett. One of the longest-serving interpreters and the only male interpreter, Mr Levett gave his final performance at Club West this month prior to departing for a new job as an interpreter in Cairns.
Over the years, Club West has developed a large following in the deaf community because each act is paired with an interpreter. According to Club West organizer Terry Larder, when it comes to having show interpreted in Auslan, Club West is unique. ‘We’re the only ones in Australia doing it. It’s a bit of a first – and we’ve been doing it for five years,’ he explained.
Michael Levett, more commonly known as ‘Mikey’, told OUTinPerth his service to Club West ‘can be summed up easily in just a few words: It’s been fun. We [the interpreters] always have a good time. Through all the shows we have done, it has just been a blast.’
Mr. Levett continued on to say, ‘The deaf community love it [Club West] and are glad to be a part of it. The deaf gay and lesbian community are pleased that they have interpreters there so they can have equal access.’
Terry Larder said of Mr Levett, ‘He has been instrumental in doing all my stuff. It is just known that when I am on stage, he is usually there.
‘Just his sheer presence on stage adds magic, for the very reason that he has a great personality and is very accepting. He is a lovely guy and has been very supportive of all things Club West has done… He has a certain star quality on stage that also translates well off stage.’