At Stirling Gardens on Sunday February 1st, a march is being held to promote awareness of suicide prevention and mental health issues.
OUTinPerth spoke to the event organiser Marishka Muran about what prompted her to set up the event. Having lost two sons to suicide, the issue is very close to Muran’s heart. She was also motivated by hearing about the experiences of others.
“Because I’ve lost two sons to suicide within two months of each other I’ve always had my foot in the door. I just have been watching different programs and everything like that and reading everybody’s emails about not getting help because they’re being depressed and I thought ‘well, it only takes one person and it looks like I’m it.'” she said.
“People are being turned away from organisations because they’re not enough beds, they can’t help and I’m getting emails every day.
“A mother came in to get help because her son needed help, was turned away and committed suicide. It’s just not good enough. Something’s got to change now and it’s just a mess.”
Muran said that a lack of resources for those with mental illness is a big part of the problem.
“As far as doctors are concerned, they do everything in their power to get help for these people that have got mental health issues, they can’t get them in. They can’t get people into appointments, they can’t get beds. Something’s missing here and it’s got to change, now.”
As well as more support for those affected by mental illness, Muran also spoke of the importance of reaching out to their friends and family.
“Even with my sons, I didn’t get any help. The only thing that I got is one folder with a bereavement letter from the undertakers or something. I only got one file with hardly anything in there and that’s the support I had. That’s what I’m saying, it’s really not good enough.”
“I’m going to make a difference on the first. Believe you me. I will make a difference.”
The march will be taking place at 1:30pm on Sunday, meeting at Stirling Gardens, Perth. More information available here.
If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, support and counseling are available from:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyondblue: 1300 22 4636 and
QLife: 1800 184 527 and (QLife are a counselling and referral service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.
OIP Staff
Image: Yay Micro
Oh my god!! thats great !!
Oh my god!! thats great !!
I take my hat off to this lady, go get em gal, awareness is the key, n the folk that need help are not receiving it, more resources are required, n the help is far from adequate, us Australian’s help so many other countries doing it tough, when we need to save on our own soil prior to walking across water oi oi oi
Do we really know what is going on in our own country!!
Do we really know what is going on in our own country!!