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Karina Lombard weighs in on marriage debate on Australian visit

When I hear that I will be speaking to Karina Lombard’s assistant before starting the interview, I think nothing of it… until I am told that her assistant’s name is Adele… (cue dramatic music and L Word recap about how Adele went all “single white female” and stole Jenny’s film Les Girls)

A true citizen of the world, Karina was born in Tahiti and raised in Spain, Switzerland and Peru. She spent her early childhood living throughout Europe and is fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, French and German. She is an actor, screenwriter and director and has even worked with Cirque Du Soleil as a music director. She is known for memorable roles in both film and television and has appeared opposite some of the world’s biggest box office stars.

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Most of the LGBTIQ+ community though, will remember her work on The L Word. A groundbreaking TV series which followed the lives a small, close-knit group of lesbians living in Los Angeles.

You have enjoyed a career in film, television (both in front and behind the camera), music and have even run away and joined the circus, but are best known to readers of OUTinPerth for playing Marina Ferrer on The L Word. What are your reflections of you time on the show?

It’s an interesting experience how it came into my life and the journey that I had while on the show. As I look back I can see, how it was meant to be. I was doing music at the time and I have always loved music, I adore it so much that for some reason have always felt guilty making money from it.

They had been looking forever for an actor for the part of Marina and had originally been wanting to cast an African American actor. Every time I try to get really serious about music, something has come to take it away, so when the audition came up, I was like ‘No, I don’t want to do it, I don’t want to do a TV show’, but it kept coming back and then I was at the airport I was literally about to get on a plane and they called and were like, look is there any way we can convince you to audition this afternoon, this is the last chance.

Then I got home and there was a pile of scripts for The L Word pilot and I started to read it and the second I started reading I just saw the intelligence and felt so much joy and possibility for this character Marina. I took that role and I never looked back.

Marina is one of my favourite characters that I have ever played.”

And it must have been interesting being around a predominately female and LGBTIQ+ cast?

(laughs) “Ahhhh, there are many stories from those days. People always want to know about them!”

Why do you think the show continues to hold such a beloved place in the heart of same-gender attracted women?

The L Word was one character that I was able to use as a voice for other people in representing their life – and she was the villain! We were really able to use the show to challenge people to look at things in a different way, to let go of archaic judgements they may have and just see people as people.

Many magazines and TV interviews I do always want to know what happened to Marina? There has been such obsession with the character. An executive from Showtime once told me that even now they get people writing to them asking; What happened to Marina? Why did she never come back!”

There is much talk of the impending L Word reboot, will we see Marina part of the cast? Are there any juicy details you can share with us?

You will have to talk to Illene. That is for her to talk about.

Sorry readers, I tried hard for some juicy gossip but to no avail! Personally I am secretly hoping that Karina could be part of creating a musical episode…

You have arrived in Australia at a particularly tricky time for the LGBTIQ+ community with the Marriage Equality Survey currently taking place. Are you aware of the current climate in Australia?

“When I landed here, I was told about the Marriage Equality vote that is happening here right now. I was stunned that Australia lagged behind so many other western countries. My first reaction was-  Is that still a thing? I say that with humour though. I love the humour of the universe that has brought me here at this moment, of all moments.

In this day and age marriage equality should be a basic human right and I’m surprised Australia is so far behind. What I find beautiful is, because I did the L Word and I played Marina I had a whole journey with what it might mean to be someone who is lesbian or gay. The majority of my screenplays feature LGBTIQ characters. Everybody is included, because you realise this is what life is , embrace it”.

Karina’s message to the LGBTIQ+ community at this time is;

“Be the shiniest you, that you can be and there is no one shiner than the LGBTIQ+ community, especially a drag queen. Go for it Perth!

When not acting, Lombard pursues her interest in empirical well-being and gives classes called T.A.O.S “The Art Of Shapeshifting” on how to connect with one’s body and the infinite intelligence of the Universe while creating a harmonious synergy within the emotional and physical form in order to improve one’s life and enjoy consciousness.

Can you tell me a little more about your TAOS and Masterclass workshops?

“I feel like TAOS has been with me my whole life. I just didn’t know how to name it. I want to use TAOS to explore the question can we go beyond? Can we create the garden of Eden? Not only do I believe that this is possible but many people have already begun doing this and we need to do is join in. This is proved to us every day, by the existence of dolphins, the ocean and the beauty around us. My workshops help you connect with joy in a practical way and how to understand the intelligence of your body which helps you tap into the intelligence of the universe.

I have been doing these workshops with a lot of children over the world and suddenly I have the opportunity to do these workshops with children in Perth because to me, if we can begin there, oh boy! Can you imagine the future?

I joke that these workshops will give you the secrets to the universe etc, but at its essence it can be about just breathing. Here you are right now in this moment- Breathe! Sometimes people just need to be reminded to breathe

It’s all about having fun. Mark Twain once said ‘Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand’

Really, I’m just so excited to be here!”

Bella Broadway

Karina Lombard is hosting three TAOS workshops in Perth in September and October. Check below for more information.

Wednesday 20 September
Two Hour Workshop: “What if the purpose of life is to have fun?”
Time: 10am – 12pm (2 Hour Workshop)
Location: The Wellness Centre, Cottesloe
Buy Tickets

Wednesday 20 September
Two Hour Workshop: “What if the purpose of life is to have fun?”
Time: 1pm – 3pm (2 Hour Workshop)
Location: The Wellness Centre, Cottesloe
Buy Tickets

Saturday 30 September & Sunday 1 October
Two Day Workshop: “The secret to eternal youth and beauty is being timeless”
Location: Bunker Bay

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