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Issue 66

OUTinPerth is proud to support our local community groups. To help keep you informed of what is happening in and around Perth, we have compiled a list of Community Groups, complete with regular meeting and contact information. In addition, our calendar has the latest special events. To list your community group with OUTinPerth, contact us.

Group Listings

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BADMINTON CLUB – Gay and lesbian social club meeting at Alma Venville Recreation Centre, Eighth Avenue, Maylands every Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm. All player levels welcome. Racquets and shuttlecocks provided. For more details, please contact Dallas Robertson on 0415 486 854, email , write to PO Box 270 Inglewood 6932, or just turn up!

BEARS PERTH – Friendly social club for hairy guys/those who like them/you don’t have to be hairy/bearded/guys of all shapes/sizes welcome. Licensed Den Night @ the Bunker, 1 Vincent St, Mt Lawley, 4th Fri of mth – Social meet at private venues, 2nd Sun of mth. Various outdoor social events through the year.Visitors welcome. PO Box 885 Mt Lawley 6929. Paul/Michael 9271 1685 or Gary/Franz 9295 3995. e:

BUSH POSSUMS – Walking gayly along our picturesque coastline in warmer months & our unique bushland in cooler months. Walks are held monthly and are approx. 2 hours long. Enquires Pam 9447 4224.

CLUB WEST -Perth’s premier fund-raising gay charity balls, established 1990 and still going strong! See web for upcoming shows. Table reservations, book on-line for a % saving. 9246 9318 –

COUNTRY NETWORK – Like to socialise & meet people all over the country? We are an Australian wide friendship/contact org. & have members in both the country & cities. Our members are allowed to meet/stay with other members when travelling. We have monthly functions which range from Pizza nights to overnight stays in the bush. Interested? Ring Viv mobile 0427193243 or 9226 2740 address PO Box 192 Subiaco 6904 email

DYKES ON BIKES – A diverse, loosely-knit social group, occasional organised rides & gatherings plus annual appearance as the traditional lead float in the Pride Parade. General enquiries to Louise on 9328 9271.

FLO (FAMILIES LIKE OURS) – Is a social group for GLBT families in WA. For information contact Jodie/Jane on 0412 809 257 or Peta on 0412 665 856.

FREEDOM CENTRE – Freedom Centre provides a safe space, peer support, information, and referral for GLBTIQ and questioning young people (under 26). Freedom Centre runs a variety of drop in sessions, events, workshops, activities and retreats. Open Times: Guyspace – Mon 5pm-8pm, Girlspace – Wed 5pm-8pm, Create – Fri 5pm-8pm, GenderQ – 1st Thurs of Month 4.30-730pm – Location: 1/471 William St Northbridge.Ph: 9228 0354 /

FRUITS IN SUITS – After work monthly social function for gay & lesbian professionals & friends. Fruits is now auspiced by Pride WA. Ph 9427 0828. e:

GAY & LESBIAN ARCHIVES OF WA – PO Box 418 Belmont 6894. 0410 592 060. e:

GAY & LESBIAN COMMUNITY SERVICES (GLCS) – Counselling, info & referral service. Mon-Fri 7-10.30pm, Tues Youthline 1-4pm, Wed Women’s Counsellor 7-10.30pm. City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi St West Perth 6005. Counselling line 9420 7201 or 1800 184 527, Admin & Fax line 9486 9855. e:

GAY & LESBIAN EQUALITY (WA) (GALE) – Is WA’s peak gay & lesbian human rights lobby group, working to enhance and defend equality for the GLBTI community. GALE meets regularly, Lotteries House. Details of meetings/campaigns available. Info line 9487 0862. PO Box 420 Northbridge WA 6865. e:

GAY & LESBIAN SINGERS (GALSWA) – Your community choir is always open to new members. No previous choral or musical experience necessary, no auditions. Rehearsals Thursday evenings 7 – 9 pm, at the North Perth Town Hall (back section of building), View St North Perth. Just come along or, if you want further information, call Robin (9473 0661) or Joanna (9294 2379) or visit our website:

GLBTI RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION INC (GRAI) – New members are invited and welcome to participate in developing options for older GLBTI people when accessing retirement living and aged care services. Are you interested? For further details phone Graham on 9272 1051. PO Box 715 Mt Lawley WA 6929. e:

HEPATITIS COUNCIL OF WA – The coucil provides information and support to people affected by hepatitis. If you would like to know more on hepatitis A, B or C, contact us on 9328 8538 (Metro) or 1800 800 070 (Country) –

InCluSiOn GLBT Disabilities Group WA Inc. – Provides peer support and great opportunities to socialise with gay and lesbian persons with a disability. Inclusion, aims to raise awareness within the wider disability sector that their community is made up of a diverse range of people including gays and lesbians. For more information contact David or Kevin on 9228 8634. e:

INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ANDROGYNOUS STUDIES (IFAS) – Support, info & social events. An incorporated body to advance the health, well being, basic rights, social equality & self-determination of people of any age who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite, transgender, transsexual, intersex, or physically or psychologically androgynous. PO Box 1066 Nedlands 6909. Ph 9487 0482.

LOTON PARK TENNIS CLUB – Loton Park Tennis Club is a unique part of Perth’s Gay and Lesbian Community, combining tennis with a great social atmosphere in a gorgeous location.Why not drop in for a visit? You don’t need to be a Roger Federer or a Amelie Mauresmo – Your first visit is FREE. Social Tennis is Saturdays from 2pm and Wednesdays from 5pm For further details email us on or contact Michelle 0418 942 231 or Terry 0402 003 689

ORDER OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE OF THE GREAT SOUTHERN LAND – Our aim is to promote the interests of the GLBTIQ Community in Australia. We believe Marriage, Spirituality and Human Rights should include ALL people. New Novice Brothers and sisters are Welcome to join our community. Contact or visit our website at

PARENTS, FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF LESBIANS & GAYS (PFLAG Perth) – Community group providing support & understanding for families/friends of GLTB people. GLTB people also welcome. Groups available in Avon-Valley, Bunbury & Rockingham. Ph for more. Perth meets 2nd Sat monthly @ Women’s Health Care House, 102 Aberdeen St Northbridge @ 1:30pm. PO Box 354 Northbridge 6865. Helpline 9228 1005. e:

PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS WA INC – are an independant community based group providing support and advocacy for People Living with HIV/AIDS and their significant others affected by HIV. A monthly support group meets to provide an outlet for support that enables members to share informationabout treatments and gain emotional support that enables members to share information about treatments and gain emotional support in a safe, non threatening, confidential enviroment. All genders and sexual orientations are welcome to attend our events. For more information Ph: 9295 3995. e:

PERTH OUTDOORS GROUP – If you enjoy socialising with other lesbian and gay people here is your chance. We organise a monthly get together with a mixture of outdoor and indoor activities. It’s a great way to get to know other G & L people and the Committee arrange a very interesting variety of functions. Come and join in the fun. PO Box 47, Northbridge 6865 Ph: 9498 7675

PRIDE WA – Stages events throughout the year, including Fairday, an Arts & Culture Festival, Dance Parties, the famous Pride Parade & regular women-only Sundowners. Office: 36 Brisbane St Northbridge. Ph 9427 0828 / Fx 9427 0829. e:

PRIME TIMERS WA – If you are a gay or bisexual man who has achieved at least 40 years of age, we are anxious to welcome you as a Prime Timer. Group meets 2pm second Sunday each month at Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St West Perth. Ph 0416 282 648. PO Box 829 Mt Lawley 6929. e:

QUEERS FOR RECONCILIATION (Q4R) – The experience of discrimination is common ground for both Queer and Aboriginal communities.Q4R holds workshops and social events to raise cultural awareness about Aboriginal culture and history & also to promote friendships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal queers. For more information, please go to or call Alan Carter 0428 250 155 or Danae Gibson 0429 864 541.

RAINBOW LABOR – New Members welcome to join this GLBTIQ focused branch of the ALP. Branch meetings occur every month and we have a direct link to State Executive and our own branch delegates to State Conference. Being involved in Rainbow Labor gives members the opportunity to have direct influence on the policies of the Australian Labor Party at a State and National level. For further information please contact Stephen Dawson, President, Rainbow Labor on 0406 291 091. go to e:

ROE ST CENTRE FOR HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS – Specialist counselling service in gay & lesbian issues: same-sex relationships, domestic violence, sexual abuse, disclosure/coming out, family issues. Male & female counsellors available. Confidentiality assured. 71 Roe St Northbridge. Appts & enquiries 9228 3693. e:

SAINT ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH – Acceptance & affirmation for lesbians, gay men, bi & trans people, friends & supporters at Saint Andrews. Worship Sun 6pm, all welcome. 259 Barker Rd Subiaco. 9381 1130. e:

secca (Sexuality Education Counselling Consultancy Agency) – Counselling for people with disability, their partners, carers & family about relationships & sexuality. Professional education & consultancy services available covering sexuality & disability. Fees may apply. Mon-Fri 9-5. City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St West Perth WA 6005. Ph 9420 7226 / Fx 9420 7229. e: –

SEXUAL HEALTH – NORTHBRIDGE CLINIC – Low cost sexual & reproductive health clinic for men & women. Doctors & nurses available by appt for confidential consultations on STI testing & treatment, HIV screening, contraception, sexual difficulties & more. Wide range of appt times available – 9227 6177. 70 Roe St Northbridge.Sexual Health Helpline – 9227 6178 or 1800 198 205 (country callers). e: sexhelp@ –

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST KINSHIP AUST – SDA Kinship is a support group for former & present SDA GLBT individuals, their families & friends. Kinship is a non-profit, support & social group in Aust. Reply in confidence: SDA Kinship Box 8097 Maroochydore D.C. QLD 4558. Ph 07 3321 1101. e:

SEX WORKERS – Support, education, info & referral services for F, M & T/G sex workers (private, escort, parlours, street). Peer-based, worker-friendly staff for confidential & anonymous phone, inhouse & outreach help/advice. Free clinic for STI screenings. Stock at reduced price to workers. Mon-Thu 9am-4pm. 9328 1387. e:

TRADITIONAL ANGLICAN PROVINCE OF CHRIST THE KING – House Mass 1st & 3rd Sundays 10:30am. Clergy available for Baptisms, Weddings, Same Sex Commitment, Funerals. Ph 9271 7736.

26UP – A social, coming out & support group for men who are 26 or over & are attracted to other men. Call Gay & Lesbian Community Services on 9420 7201 for contact details.

WAAC – Strengthening our community’s health and quality of life. Provides Positive Support Services – Counselling – Needle and Syringe Exchange Program, Gay Men’s Education, Women Services – for women living with HIV and AIDS and many other services. 664 Murray Street, West Perth, AIDSline 9482 0044, Mensline 9322 8401, Toll Free 1800 671 130 – http://

WA GAY LEAGUE – Tenpin Bowling. Everyone is welcome. Sun 11:00am to 1:30pm at Warwick Superbowl. 12 Dugdale St, Warwick Grove. Ph Jillda 0438 442 805 or Peter 0401 950 864 –

WOMEN ON WOMEN – A seven week self esteem & self awareness course run for women who are attracted to women. For details phone Sandra on 08 9330 9915 or e:

WOW (Women Out West) – WA’s monthly lesbian magazine. PO Box 1121 West Leederville 6901. Ph: 9371 1049. e: WA’s GLBTIQ Business Directory – Printed version available from your local venue and other locations listed online or find us online at PO Box 372, Bayswater WA 6053. Ph: 9371 9877. e:

GAY PENTECOSTALS – Freedom 2 b(e) networks GLBTIQ people from Pentecostal and Charismatic backgrounds by providing support through an online community and monthly meetings, information on same sex attraction from a scientific, psychological and theological perspective and creating an intelligent, respectful dialogue with individuals, groups, churches or denominations to promote understanding and acceptance. E: W: or M: 0416 015 231


Labor commits $2.25 million for LGBTIQA+ sector

Newly re-elected WA Premier Roger Cook has committed to a landmark $2.25 million funding.

Pauline Hanson says she’ll push again for transgender inquiry

The One Nation senator delivered a rant on Sky News proclaiming that transgender women playing women's sport are cheats.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

New music from Ethan, Dolly Parton, Miya Folick, Ólafur Arnalds and Loreen, and Pet Shop Boys remixing Primal Scream.  

On This Gay Day | AIDS activist organisation ACT UP formed

ACT UP grew out of activist Larry Kramer's frustration with the lack of action on tackling the AIDS crisis.


Don't miss

Labor commits $2.25 million for LGBTIQA+ sector

Newly re-elected WA Premier Roger Cook has committed to a landmark $2.25 million funding.

Pauline Hanson says she’ll push again for transgender inquiry

The One Nation senator delivered a rant on Sky News proclaiming that transgender women playing women's sport are cheats.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

New music from Ethan, Dolly Parton, Miya Folick, Ólafur Arnalds and Loreen, and Pet Shop Boys remixing Primal Scream.  

On This Gay Day | AIDS activist organisation ACT UP formed

ACT UP grew out of activist Larry Kramer's frustration with the lack of action on tackling the AIDS crisis.

The Greens have an unexpected result in the state election

The Greens look set to hold four seats in the Legislative Council when parliament reconvenes.

Labor commits $2.25 million for LGBTIQA+ sector

Newly re-elected WA Premier Roger Cook has committed to a landmark $2.25 million funding.

Pauline Hanson says she’ll push again for transgender inquiry

The One Nation senator delivered a rant on Sky News proclaiming that transgender women playing women's sport are cheats.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

New music from Ethan, Dolly Parton, Miya Folick, Ólafur Arnalds and Loreen, and Pet Shop Boys remixing Primal Scream. Â