Western Australian Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren is urging Premier Colin Barnett to advise his Liberal colleagues in Canberra against holding a plebiscite.
MacLaren’s call comes as Barnett recently told media he believes there is no need for a plebiscite, and that he is disappointed a public vote may coincide with the 2017 state election in WA.
“I’ve written to Premier Barnett to thank him for comments reported in the media this week which reaffirmed what the Greens have been saying all along: a plebiscite on marriage equality is likely to become divisive within the community,” MacLaren said.
“I share in Mr Barnett’s belief that the Federal Parliament should make the decision and I’ve asked him to take action by expressing his wishes directly to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
MacLaren reiterates that most Australians have denounced the plebiscite as costly, divisive and unnecessary – particularly since some government MPs have suggested they would ignore the outcome of the plebiscite regardless of the public response.
“The plebiscite is pointless and costly. We know there’s enough support for marriage equality in the community and in the Federal Parliament to pass legislation without it.”
“Abandoning the plebiscite is the only way to quash a potentially very damaging public debate.”
OIP Staff, image: Jarrad Seng