Local photographer Bree Glossop is bringing an art concept to Perth that she hopes will spread the message of equal love and LGBTI rights.
Deriving from world acclaimed photographer J.R, the 24 year old will be setting up photo booths around Perth which will take portrait pictures of the local community.
“Basically what him and his team do is go to the far end of the world to third world countries to take pictures of local people who have never even seen a photo of themselves before. He goes out to these places, takes photos and then prints them on anything”.
The project which is named ‘Inside Out’ will take a twist to advocate for marriage rights in Australia, all that participants need to do is get their picture taken; the images will then be printed and pasted throughout the inner Metropolitan areas of Perth. Glossop and her team will provide signs that say either ‘I love him’, ‘I love her’ or ‘I support marriage equality’.
In a city that has quite stringent policies on street art, Glossop has insisted that although she has formally sought permission to put up the portraits – she will go ahead with the project even if she is denied approval.
“I’ve applied to the city council, if they don’t approve I’m just going to be doing it anyway, vigilante style. If worse comes to worse I’ll happily cop the fine for it, I’ve got the money to support it”.
“Basically we’re going to go ahead with it anyway”.
Glossop is appealing for the local community to jump on board and take part in the project:
“Absolutely get involved, the more the better. I made the event and it exploded. It’s happening the 1st of august and we’re looking to extend from the Thursday to the Sunday. The more support the better; I think if we can pull this off!
“It doesn’t take long to gets someone’s portrait, 30 seconds, pull a face, you’re in and you’re out. I want to get as many pictures as possible”.
Emphasising that marriage equality should have been legislated long ago; Glossop hopes that the portraits pasted throughout the city will spread the message by capturing the attention of city-dwellers and commuters.
“It’ll hopefully be by Murray St mall at the train station, if you think of the amount of punters that come through their everyday. When I shoot there most of the people just have their head down to go home or to work or whatever.
“There are a few buildings I’d like to get up on and paste massive portraits but that’s going to take a lot of work, get a cherry picker up there. I really want to bring the vibe that shows everyone’s all the same but I also want people to pull faces and have fun with it, just make it a positive project”.
If you wish to get involved, click here.
Find out more about J.R’s work here.
Nadine Walker