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Five things the Marriage Alliance had to say this week

Mysterious lobby group The Marriage Alliance has retreated from talking to the media, ignoring requests for interviews and instead taken to meme generating Twitter output.

It’s a bit of a mystery who is behind the Marriage Alliance’s vocal Twitter account. Many people have suggested it could potentially be a work experience student.

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Here’s five cray-cray moments from their output this week.

Journalist Tracey Spicer accused of “shutting down” Cate McGregor

Tracey Spicer, host of the ABC program ‘The Drum’ was accused of shutting down debate on the Safe Schools Coalition when trans activist Cate McGregor said there might be some legitimate concern about some of the teaching resources promoted by the Safe Schools Coalition.

Either that, or Spicer just ran out of time. Watch the clip from the show and make your own judgement.

Ancient quote from Paul Keating dragged into the discussion.

On February 26th 1996 during the federal election debate then Prime Minister Paul Keating acknowledged a quote attributed to him. Keating had reportedly told cabinet that “two blokes and a cocker spaniel don’t make a family”.

The Marriage Alliance celebrated the 20th anniversary of the outdated viewpoint.

Gay Liberal senator Dean Smith presented as Napoleon

In response to Liberal senator Dean Smith saying that he was not in favour of a plebiscite on marriage equality, the Marriage Alliance presented him a Napoleon saying the senator didn’t like democracy. 

Several commentators pointed out that the senator was in favour of a free vote in parliament – which is actually democracy. 

We can honestly say that while Mr Smith has some pretty sharp suits, we’ve never seen him dress like this. 

Conspiracy Theory on Safe Schools Coalition and marriage plebiscite put forward 

When esteemed constitutional law expert Professor George Williams suggested there was some merit in allowing sixteen and seventeen year old Australians to vote in the proposed plebiscite the Marriage Alliance presented an odd graphic suggesting some sort of link between the anti-bullying program and the plebiscite.

Yeah boi! The Marriage Alliance get into gay slang 

Supporting former Prime Minister John Howard’s comments in The Australian and on SKY News about the the debate on marriage becoming a culture war, the Marriage Alliance got into some queer slang with the term bully-boi. 

We look forward to them dropping ‘Yaaaaass’, ‘Bye Felicia’, ‘dead’ and ‘squashed’ into future updates. 


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Rebecca Bennett (she/her) is the Pro Vice Chancellor Equity Diversity and Inclusion at Murdoch University.

Trans Day of Visibility rally sees calls for action on healthcare and housing

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Chamberlain kept his sexuality private before coming out in his 70s.

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OPINION | Calling allies to step up and be seen this Trans Day of Visibility

Rebecca Bennett (she/her) is the Pro Vice Chancellor Equity Diversity and Inclusion at Murdoch University.

Trans Day of Visibility rally sees calls for action on healthcare and housing

Hundreds turned up to a rally in Northbridge on Sunday.

‘The Thorn Birds’ actor Richard Chamberlain dead at 90

Chamberlain kept his sexuality private before coming out in his 70s.

Utah bans Pride flags from schools and public buildings

The adoption of the new law follows similar legislation passed in Idaho.

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OPINION | Calling allies to step up and be seen this Trans Day of Visibility

Rebecca Bennett (she/her) is the Pro Vice Chancellor Equity Diversity and Inclusion at Murdoch University.

Trans Day of Visibility rally sees calls for action on healthcare and housing

Hundreds turned up to a rally in Northbridge on Sunday.

‘The Thorn Birds’ actor Richard Chamberlain dead at 90

Chamberlain kept his sexuality private before coming out in his 70s.