A lesbian couple from Brisbane have been featured in the weddings section of prominent Queensland newspaper, becoming the first in the state and possibly the nation.
Lisa Bentley and Melissa McMurray were surprised to see a photo from their commitment ceremony in the paper.
“Our photographer rang us early Sunday morning to tell us that our photo has appeared in The Sunday Mail,” Ms Bentley told ABC Radio.
“I ripped down to the shop and woke Melissa up to show her… that was the first time we found out. I’m pretty chuffed and we’re the first and that’s out claim to fame now.”
Queensland Labor have announced plans to reinstate legally recognised civil unions after the previous Liberal government under Campbell Newman abolished the law.
Queensland’s Labor government are bound by the party line to vote in favour of civil union legislation. The Liberal-National opposition are free to vote as they please.
“It was just like a marriage in every other way bar the way the Government sees it,” Ms Bentley said of her commitment ceremony.
Ms Bentley said her ceremony was not a political move, but she hopes her feature in the news will open the door for conversation.
“Whether it’s positive or negative it means that it’s on the tip of people’s tongues, and people will start hearing different views.”
OIP Staff