Facebook and Australian Marriage Equality have partnered together to launch a new initiative that allows Facebook users to visibly demonstrate their support for marriage equality ahead of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
OUTinPerth editor Graeme Watson models the overlay in the image (left).
Australian Marriage Equality’s national campaign director, Erin McCallum, said the latest profile picture overlay was an simple way for people to show their support.
“This profile picture frame initiative is a simple yet powerful and highly visible way for people to demonstrate their support for marriage equality.” Ms McCallum said.
“The theme of Mardi Gras this year is ‘momentum’. Already, thousands of Australians are demonstrating the growing momentum for marriage equality by adopting this new banner to show their support.”
“The data from Facebook is clear; visible social actions like these from a diverse group of peers, colleagues, family and strangers creates a more tolerant and welcoming online community for all Australians. It leads to more LGBTI people feeling comfortable to come out to their friends and family, and it gives allies an easy way to show their support.” Ms McCallum said.

To change your profile picture and show your support for marriage equality, just visit the visit the Australian Marriage Equality Facebook page and click ‘try it’ on the image featuring the profile picture frame.
Facebook is a major supporter of this weekend’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
The initiative has been criticised by the Marriage Alliance, who described the initiative as interference in Australian political processes by an American company.
“Facebook must STOP interfering with Australia’s democracy & our Marriage Plebiscite. We will decide for ourselves!” the group posted to their Facebook page.
The group called on their followers to share as many stories in favour of maintaining marriage as strictly a union between a man and a woman suggesting that if they didn’t Facebook’s algorithms would soon stop them seeing any news about their side of the debate.
OIP Staff