Among the plethora of Fringe World shows of comedy, cabaret and circus feats comes a show that’s serious and deep.
Tim Stolly, a respected local performer, has developed a show that combines his talents with some of the best names in the Perth theatre scene.
Mark Storen, Loe Jui, India Metha and Sally Richardson have all contributed to the show which sees Stolly appear as a singing cowboy.
He takes to the stage, dressed as a cowboy with a six barrel pistol which he lays on the table while he pours some shots of whiskey.
The stage is dark, a spot light shines on the lone performer.
The cowboy tells us a little bit about the town at the end of the line where he upholds the law. He brandishes a guitar and begins to sing.
The majority of this show features a series of songs as the cowboy tells us of his adventures, his loves and his heartbreak.
Stolly is a seriously capable performer and has a definite gravitas on stage. I found the songs in the show, which are all generally quite slow, gradually became quite monotonous and I struggled to remain focused on the narrative.
The show is perfect for the Fringe format though , a little under an hour long,it made a nice change of pace from the high energy of many of the festivals offerings.
‘Dirty Cowboy’ is part of the Blue Room’s Summer Nights program and plays until Saturday January 31st. Grab tickets at