Democratic representatives in North Carolina have filed a bill to repeal the state’s controversial anti-LGBT law known as HB2.
HB2, officially named ‘An Act to Provide for Single-sex Multiple Occupancy Bathroom and Changing Facilities in Schools and Public Agencies and to Create Statewide Consistency in Regulation of Employment and Public Accommodations‘, bans local government from enacting their own anti-discrimination laws and prevents trans people from using the bathroom that fits their true gender.
Four Democratic representatives have collaborated on a new bill, House Bill 946, that would revoke HB2 which has been criticised by the public, as well as a number of politicians, celebrities and organisations.
House Bill 946 would retroactively nullify the legislation of HB2, backdating the bill to match the signing of HB2 by Governor Pat McCrory on March 23rd of this year.
North Carolina Republicans have said they would fight a repeal of HB2, but one of House Bill 946’s creators Representative Darren Jackson (pictured) says he believes some Republicans would support a repeal should they be allowed by party leadership.
“I believe we would have more than Democratic support if it was ever given a vote in committee or on the floor,” Rep. Jackson said.
The American Civil Liberties Union are also working to repeal HB2 through the judicial system, filing a case against the bill in the name of a number of transgender citizens of North Carolina.
OIP Staff