David Koch, the former TV presenter who is the Chair of the Port Adelaide Football Club, says a homophobic slur made by player Jeremy Finlayson was made in the ‘heat of battle”.
Finlayson has apologised for using a homophobic slur during a match against Essendon on Friday night.
The player admitted to making a homophobic slur against the opposition player during the third quarter of the game. His comment was picked up by umpire’s microphones and members of the opposing team also reacted to the incident.

Speaking on the ABC’s Offsiders program on Sunday Koch said the comments made by Finlayson were inexcusable, but stressed he had self-reported his offence at three quarter time and apologised to the player he had directed the slur towards.
“That’s no excuse whatsoever. It’s in the heat of the battle, should not have done it and we’ll wait for the AFL to go through its process.” Koch said.
The club’s chairman said he did not think it was fair to compare Finlayson’s outburst to that of coach Alistair Clarkson who had recently attracted a $20,000 fine, or a previous finding against Adelaide Crows player Taylor Walker who copped a six week ban after he made a racial slur on the pitch.
The chairman’s comments downplaying the seriousness of the use of a slur attracted waves of criticism on social media.
While the AFL’s Integrity Unit will investigate the incident and determine if the player faces any consequences for using the slur it has attracted signifivant debate.

Caleb Bond says using homophobic slurs don’t mean people are homophobic.
Sky News presenter says Finlayson’s comments were made in the ‘heat of battle” and he should be respected for quickly owning up to making a “stupid comment”.
“It’s a stupid comment he made in the heat of the game, he didn’t mean it, it doesn’t mean he’s a homophobic person.” Bond said.
Bond says it’s outrageous that people are suggesting the player should face a suspension.
“It’s not like he actually went out there with the intent to insult someone and tell them that ‘you’re gay and you shouldn’t be gay’ He knew he did the wrong thing”.

Kristy McSweeny says homophobic slur it’s a reflection of how young men talk
Former WA Liberal Party candidate Kristy McSweeny was asked about the incident during an appearance on The Chris Kenny Show and she agreed Finlayson’s comment would likely result in a ban.
“Poor behavior, and I think if the AFL is going to ‘walk their talk’ and be consistent, and they’ve got values they promote to the wider community, and they have to ensure their actions reflect those values.” McSweeney said.
“This is how young guys speak to each other. I don’t think that’s great, but it is a reflection of how young guys in their group of mates talk to each other, and they take that on to the field.
“They shouldn’t be talking that way, and they shouldn’t be taking it on to the field, but it’s a cultural reflection, it’s something that we need to do something about.” McSweeney said.