Premium Content:

Couch Potato

Despite ‘The Australian Heart’ suggesting some kind of E.R type program with surgeons trying and failing to find an ounce of compassion in the withered cardiac chambers of most Aussie politicians, it’s actually an excellent, multi-part documentary about Love and Sex Down Under, in which ordinary Australians from various generations (1930’s onward) are interviewed about their sexual experiences in the changing decades and social climates. Awesomely, ‘ordinary Australians’ includes both Gays and Lesbians- some of the stories told are harrowing, some sad, some heart-warming- all are vitally important parts of our history.


Revealing portrait of the legendary Australian ‘King of Television’ which goes into his comedic genius, his friendships- and his homosexuality, which was not mentioned often by Australia’s media after his death in 2005.

CAN WE HELP? (Fri Aug 27, ABC- 6:30pm)

Forget about helping the people who write in needing help about the definition of a word or phrase, wanting to know about a particular job or cultural practice, or need help tracking down a lost family member- the person who needs the most help in this Perth-made program is host Peter Rowsthorn, whose constant mugging for the camera and pathetic, unnecessary ‘jokes’ make him a shoe-in for ‘Most irritating personality on Oz TV’. Can we help bury him in a lead-lined landfill somewhere?!

MY OWN WORST ENEMY (Tues Aug 31, 7TWO- 11:40pm)

You can probably judge how good this show is by the fact that Seven airs the premiere run of the series at Batman hours. In the usual Hollywood mistreatment of mental illness, Christian Slater (remember when he used to be on the A-list?!) plays a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (aka Multiple Personalities); one personality is a meek and mild stay-at-home husband, the other a brilliant and ruthlessly efficient secret agent, who invariably transitions just in time to save the day. Much like MONK, this series offensively portrays a crippling mental ailment as some kind of super-power- See UNITED STATES OF TARA for a more realistic portrayal. The only real worst enemy Christian Slater seems to have is his Casting Agent. Bizarre fact: Taylor Lautner (TWILIGHT’s perennially shirtless werewolf) plays Slater’s *son*. Everyone feel old at the count of three!

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Just when you thought that QUEER AS FOLK/New WHO creator Russell T Davies leaving DOCTOR WHO last year meant never having to suffer through homophobic Who-watchers using the words ‘Gay Agenda’ again whenever he had a gay or lesbian character pop up, Russell’s WHO spin-off TORCHWOOD (season 4) has officially got the green light. Gay actor/all round awesome guy John Barrowman is returning as omnisexual space oddity Captain Jack Harkness, and Eve Miles is returning as the ever-irritating Gwen. Of course, given the Homophobic Clusterf*ck that was CHILDREN OF EARTH (all Gay relationships are only for casual sex and must end tragically- meanwhile Gwen, you’re straight, so here, have a baby!) nothing short of a kickass old-school WHO villain popping up (Zygons, Wirrrn or Rutans might sway me) or David Tennant naked and making out with Matt Smith whilst Captain Jack watches will get me back in the show’s good graces…

Gavin Pitts


Pauline Hanson says she’ll push again for transgender inquiry

The One Nation senator delivered a rant on Sky News proclaiming that transgender women playing women's sport are cheats.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

New music from Ethan, Dolly Parton, Miya Folick, Ólafur Arnalds and Loreen, and Pet Shop Boys remixing Primal Scream.  

On This Gay Day | AIDS activist organisation ACT UP formed

ACT UP grew out of activist Larry Kramer's frustration with the lack of action on tackling the AIDS crisis.

The Greens have an unexpected result in the state election

The Greens look set to hold four seats in the Legislative Council when parliament reconvenes.


Don't miss

Pauline Hanson says she’ll push again for transgender inquiry

The One Nation senator delivered a rant on Sky News proclaiming that transgender women playing women's sport are cheats.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

New music from Ethan, Dolly Parton, Miya Folick, Ólafur Arnalds and Loreen, and Pet Shop Boys remixing Primal Scream.  

On This Gay Day | AIDS activist organisation ACT UP formed

ACT UP grew out of activist Larry Kramer's frustration with the lack of action on tackling the AIDS crisis.

The Greens have an unexpected result in the state election

The Greens look set to hold four seats in the Legislative Council when parliament reconvenes.

The Wiggles and Orville Peck celebrate ‘Friends of Dorothy’

The children's entertainers have teamed up with country music star Orville Peck.

Pauline Hanson says she’ll push again for transgender inquiry

The One Nation senator delivered a rant on Sky News proclaiming that transgender women playing women's sport are cheats.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

New music from Ethan, Dolly Parton, Miya Folick, Ólafur Arnalds and Loreen, and Pet Shop Boys remixing Primal Scream.  

On This Gay Day | AIDS activist organisation ACT UP formed

ACT UP grew out of activist Larry Kramer's frustration with the lack of action on tackling the AIDS crisis.