Community Groups

Looking for a local community group? Here’s our list of the different community groups, if there’s something you’re looking for and can’t find drop us a line and we might be able to point you in the right direction.

ACCEPTANCE PERTH LGBT CATHOLICS – We are a social group for LGBT+ Catholics. It is a safe space for queer Catholics as we are welcoming and affirming, which means we welcome people regardless of gender or sexual orientation. For more information head to

ALCOHOL AND DRUG SUPPORT SERVICE – If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use, contact us – 24 hour, every day of the year,  confidential telephone, email or livechat – counselling, information, support and referral. We are here to help.

  • Alcohol and Drug Support Line  (94425000 or 1800 198 024 (regional toll free landline)
  • Meth Helpline 1800 874 878
  • Parent and Family Drug Support Line 94425050 or 1800 653 203 (regional toll free landline.) or

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS RAINBOW GROUP – Meets every Tuesday 7pm – 8pm, Inglewood Children’s Centre, cnr 9th Ave and 895 Beaufort St. If alcohol is costing you more than the price of a drink, please join us for sharing and recovery in a 12 Step Program with proven results. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. For more information

BEARS PERTH – A friendly men only social club for men with body and / or facial hair and their admirers. The dress code is  masculine, and men of all shapes, sizes and amount of hairiness are welcome. Licensed Den Nights are on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Friday of each month 9pm till Late @ Loton Park Bulwer St (near Lord St) East Perth. There are also different events on the 2nd Sunday of each month, often at a members residence or alternative events as advised. Visitors welcome. Contact us via phone 0487 595 672, email:, or

BI+ COMMUNITY PERTH – is a safe place for people who are not gay or straight (we use the term ‘bisexual’ as an umbrella term for that) to engage in respectful discussion, connect with people, and form community online. There are also regular opportunities to connect in person, including events for Bi Visibility Day (23/9) and the Pride Parade. You can join the Bi+ Community Perth group by going directly to

BEYOND A HUG – Beyond A Hug (BAH) was founded in 2019 by Wendy Zoccoli and is the sibling organisation to Free Mum Hugs Perth. BAH is an organisation which aspires to build a network and directory that provides businesses and individuals with the resources, programs, groups and services they’re looking for, all in one space and without fear of discrimination. We aim to promote the diverse members within the LGBTQI+ community, and our values are that of Intersectionality, Respect, Dignity and Equity. Our vision is to see “The LGBTQI+ community under one platform; brought together, because we are stronger together”

COUNTRY NETWORK –  Country Network (CN) – uniting gay and bisexual men across Australia in friendship, socialising, fun, support and contact. The 2 major events organised by the National Committee are the Autumn Gathering meeting held in April and the Annual General Meeting in October. These events are hosted in the various States/Territories as determined by the Committee. WA members of CN also have regular monthly WA based social functions where men can enjoy each other’s company. Members have the option to host or guide interstate visitors if they so wish. CN has been operating for 45 years and was initially formed in NSW to promote a link for gay men in rural areas to contact others in their community or in the city. New members are most welcome – for further information, please contact Cliff on 0422 799 729 or email:

CYRENIAN HOUSE – Alcohol & other drug treatment service – Cyrenian House proudly supports the Western Australian LGBTIQ+ community, providing a safe environment to seek support for alcohol and other drug (AOD) use issues. Services include free counselling for your own AOD use, or if you are affected by the us of another person, family and couples counseling, group work, low medical detox, residential rehabilitation treatment and more. PH: 9328 9200 or

DYKES ON BIKES – A diverse, loosely-knit social group, occasional organised rides & gatherings plus annual appearance as the traditional lead float in the Pride Parade. If you are a female who rides a motorbike and loves women, then come along and check out dykes on bikes. General enquiries see our public group on facebook… Dykes on bikes WA or email

FREEDOM CENTRE – Freedom Centre provides a safe space, peer support, information, and referrals for LGBTIQA and Questioning young people (12 – 25). FC provides a range of services including an, trainings, workshops, early intervention support and our drop-in centre sessions which are open for Monday, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 4 – 7.30pm, check out our Instagram or website for the current schedule. 60a Frame Court, Leederville WA 6007 Ph: 0400 078 091 Email: Web: Instagram:

GRAI (GLBTI RIGHTS IN AGEING Inc.) – works to improve the quality of life for older LGBTI people, both in care and in the community. Providing visibility and a voice for LGBTI elders is key to this. Through research and advocacy we have achieved law reform to end discrimination for older LGBTI people. We work with the aged care sector, delivering training to achieve safe and inclusive aged care services. We hold community events to build better community supports and friendships. New members welcome. Interested? Contact June on 08 9383 7753. PO Box 514 North Perth WA 6906 or 54 Bickley Cres, Manning 6152. E: or visit

HEPATITIS WA – providing information and support to people affected by hepatitis. If you would like to know more on hepatitis A, B or C, contact us on 9328 8538 (Metro) or 1800 800 070 (Country). 134 Aberdeen St Northbridge WA 6003 —

LESBIANS WHO LUNCH (LWL) – LWL is a monthly gathering for older lesbians – meeting at noon on 3rd Thursdays of (almost) every month, at different eateries around Perth. It’s an opportunity to widen friendship networks and stay involved in our community. Organised by GRAI. For info about upcoming lunches, contact June:

LITTLE PRIDE PIN SHOP – The Little Pride Pin Shop sells a range of pride pins and badges for just $5, with all proceeds proudly supporting Bi+ Community Perth and TransFolk of WA. Get our stuff online at or in person at M Clinic and Rabble Books & Games.

LIVING PROUD – (formerly Gay & Lesbian Community Services of WA). Living Proud provides LGBTI community services for Western Australians, by promoting the wellbeing of LGBTI+ people and communities in WA. Information, support, referrals and professional training. City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St, West Perth WA 6005. Phone: (08) 9486 9855 Email: Web:

M CLINIC – STI/HIV SCREENING CLINIC –  For men who have sex with men. Confidential, non-judgemental STI testing & Treatment. Please call (08) 9227 0734 for  appointments. Central location. After hours options available. For more information email or visit

MEET N MUSE (MnM) OLDER LESBIANS’ DISCUSSION GROUP – GRAI’s Meet n’ Muse (MnM) is a supportive social space where women (55+) who identify as lesbian or bisexual discuss a variety of topics (chosen by the group) and share past and present life experiences. Coffee afterwards. MnM Perth meets on Sundays at 1pm. For more details email Pam:

OUTdance – Is Perth’s only LGBTIQ dancing group. OUTdance has been running successfully in the community since 2001 and holds dance classes each week as well as social events for the LGBTIQ community.

OUTdance is managed by LGBTIQ volunteers and offers a great opportunity to meet new people while you learn how to dance in a safe, relaxed environment. You don’t need to bring a partner, couples and singles are welcome. Dances include Cha Cha, Barn Dance, Disco Madison, Evening Three Step, Jive, Merrilyn, Progressive Jive, Quickstep, Samba, Square Rumba, Slow Rhythm, Tango and a selection of Line dances to mention just a few!

Our classes are currently held every Tuesday night from 7:00pm – 9:00pm:
Mt Hawthorn Community Hall (upstairs)
197 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mt Hawthorn

Cost: $18/person, pay as you go. There are no contract or courses to be purchased.

A beginner or have two left feet? Don’t worry… We know it can be daunting but you can join in any time. Our instructors and regular dancers will make you welcome and support your learning.

Class Enquiries: Judy 0417 911 214 or Warwick 0450 041 023.

PERTH FRONTRUNNERS – We’re Perth’s community of LGBTIQA+allies Strollers, Rollers, Runners & Proudly Crap Joggers. We welcome people of all sexualities, gender identities, ages, backgrounds, abilities and fitness levels. No previous running experience is required. Come and meet us at one of our weekly Saturday morning events which are open to everyone including non-members. We meet at Zamia Cafe in Kings Park at 8am sharp. We’ll explain the routes before the stroll / roll / run / crap jog, make sure you’re looked after, and the coffee afterwards is a great opportunity to meet and greet. No pre-registration is required; just come and say hi! Find out more.

PERTH OUTDOORS GROUP – The Perth Outdoors Group Inc. is a diverse group of mature LGBTQ+ folks who enjoy a wide range of social activities. Functions are held monthly on weekends in parks, cafés or member’s homes. We aim to bring people together for a wide range of social and recreational activities. Our functions include Picnics, River Cruises, Quiz Nights, Group Annual Auction, Long Weekend away in the Country. Our monthly coffee club is aimed at the retired members of our club, these monthly meetings are on first Wednesday of each month from 10am, held in selected cafés around the metro area. Venues are published in our quarterly newsletter. If you would like to contact us please email or check out our web page

PERTH PRIDE CHOIR – The Choir welcomes members from all shades of the sexuality and gender diversity rainbow and their allies. There are no auditions and singers of all abilities are welcome. Rehearsals are on Thursday, 7pm to 9pm at the Royal Park Hall, 180 Charles Street, West Perth (cnr Vincent Street). Get more information at, email, or contact Joe on 0439 017 073

PERTH PYTHONS HOCKEY CLUB – As Perth’s first and only LGBTI+ hockey club, we welcome everyone from complete beginners to experienced players. We’re fun, social, inclusive and friendly. In summer, we train on the weekend and play in UWA’s 7-a-side social hockey competition. In winter, we don’t hibernate, join us for a social event or one of our fitness sessions. For more information, check out our Facebook page Perth Pythons Hockey Club or contact us at

PERTH RAINBOW TOASTMASTERS – We run a fun, professional and friendly environment to develop your confidence in public speaking and build your leadership skills for LGBTIQ community. We help bring the “in” of introvert out of you. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 2-4pm at Blackburn Accounting Office, 931 Albany Hwy, East Victoria Park. Contact us for more information: Email Phone: 0403 051 081, find us on Facebook or visit our website.

PERTH SPECTRES BASKETBALL CLUB – Perth Spectres are a friendly and inclusive LGBTQIA+ basketball club. Founded in 2019, we are the Western Australian branch of Spectres Australia. We pride ourselves on being community first, basketball second. Our club is welcoming and accepting of everyone, with a focus on forming friendships and promoting fitness through basketball. Perth Spectres run free Train & Play sessions every second Sunday at Lords Recreation Centre in Subiaco. These sessions are open to everyone (18+) and offer a supportive space to try out the sport or hone your skills. We also have a number of season teams playing social basketball each week. Find out more at, follow us on Facebook and Instagram @perthspectres, or drop us an email at

PFLAG PERTH – (PARENTS, FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF LESBIANS & GAYS — is a community organisation offering support and understanding for families and friends with loved ones who are LGBTI. Meetings are held every second month in West Perth (please call to register) Visit website for more information, news, events and meeting dates: Mobile: 0404 594 699 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: pflagperth

PERTH INNER CITY YOUTH SERVICE (PICYS) support young people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and mental health challenges. We provide youth worker supports, medium-term independent transitional housing, emergency relief food and vouchers, and drop in and other groups to connect with a supportive community. PICYS are committed to at least half of our services being for LGBTIQA+ young people. See for details.

PRIDE WA Inc. – To lead by example in creating a world where inclusion and diversity are embraced and celebrated.  Pride WA encourages the cultural expression, celebration and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and all people of diverse sexuality and gender living in Western Australia.  We recognise that our collective strength lies in our diversity and willingness to embrace and respect the differences that exist both within our Pride community and the broader communities in which we live, work, love and celebrate.  Pride WA stages events through the year, including their annual Arts and Culture festival PrideFEST, Pride PARADE and Fairday.  Information can be found on or contact us;
E:, P: 08 6269 2220

PRIMETIMERS WA — If you are a mature gay or bisexual man, we are keen to welcome you to Prime Timers. The group meets at 2pm on the second Sunday of each month, at the Homestead at 5 Mackie Street, Victoria Park. PO Box 829, Mt. Lawley 6929. For more info go to or email:

QLife (Counselling & referral) — QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people of diverse sex, genders and sexualities. QLife provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based services to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people of all ages. Freecall: 1800 184 527 Time: 3pm to 12pm

QUEER, TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE OF COLOUR WA (QTIPoC WA) is a Western Australian based community group for LGBTIQA+ people of colour. This group was founded by Jaini and PJ, both of whom work within LGBTIQA+ spaces. The idea of this group is to invoke a sense of belonging for this community by inviting LGBTIQA+ PoC to celebrate their identities and network in a safe space. This group is supportive of diverse sex, sexuality and gender. If you would like to join the group on Facebook please search Queer, Transgender and Intersex People of Colour WA and answer the questions for approval. You can also email with any queries in regards to the group.

RAINBOW FUTURES WA – A consortium of WA based LGBTIQA+ community organisations and individuals concerned with the long-term well-being of the community. It has grown out of a series of gatherings, bringing together community members with the purpose of exploring sustainable ways for working together; attracting opportunities for funding, advocacy, and consultation on LGBTIQA+ issues; and building a cohesive vision for the growth of LGBTIQA+ community organisations. Keep up to date at, and get involved by joining the associated supporters group or emailing

RAINBOW LABOR — This is a group of LGBTI and like-minded community members volunteering at a grass-roots level of the WA Labor Party. The branch meets monthly, has a direct link to the State Executive and delegates at the State Conference. Being involved in Rainbow Labor gives members the opportunity to have a direct influence on policies of the Australian Labor Party at both State and Federal levels. For further information or to join please contact Branch President Andy Skinner on 0452 446 995 email or visit

RAINBOW MIGRANTS – This is a community-led initiative run by Umbrella Multicultural Care Services that provides a welcoming space where you can thrive. We offer social support, educational workshops and events that connect you with others in the LGBTIQ+ community. We also welcome volunteers who want to support others, lend a helping hand with activities and provide guidance to new arrivals into Western Australia.  

Our programs are accessible to people of all ages and abilities. Whether you identify as a Rainbow Migrant; an LGBTIQ+ refugee or asylum seeker; an international student; a partner or family visa holder; a skilled worker; a permanent resident or a citizen who was not born in Australia, we will warmly embrace you as part of our diverse community. We also extend our support to second-generation individuals. 

Contact: or call 9275 4411 during office hours. You can also find us on Facebook Instagram and LinkedIn

SAINT ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH —  Everyone is welcome at St Andrew’s. Christ our gracious host welcomes all at the banquet of Word and Sacrament – regardless of gender, race, colour, sexual orientation, social status or any other distinction. Open door worship 6pm Sundays. Welcome and affirmation for all LGBTIQ+ people. 259 Barker Road, Subiaco. 9381 1130

SECCA (SEXUALITY EDUCATION COUNSELLING CONSULTANCY AGENCY) — Counselling for people with a disability, their partners, carers & family about relationships & sexuality. Professional education & consultancy services available covering sexuality & disability. Fees may apply. Mon-Fri 9-5. City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St West Perth WA 6005.
Ph 9420 7226 / Fx 9420 7229. e:

SHUTTERPUPS An informal social group for gay photographers.  We organise monthly photo shoots at different locations, and welcome new members of all ages and abilities.  For further information please check out the Shutterpups page on Facebook or email

STANDING SHOULDER TO SHOULDER – a Charity that supports and provides practical assistance to GLBT women who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence. Support includes household items, furniture, advice, advocacy, referral and financial assistance. If you would like to support SSTS by donating quality items or you are seeking assistance. Email Facebook: Shoulder to Shoulder Inc

TRANSFOLK OF WA — A peer support network for gender diverse people and their loved ones in Western Australia. E: Facebook W:

WAAC — Strengthening our community’s health and quality of life. Provides a range of services for people living with HIV/AIDS, Counselling ( issues include HIV/AIDS, relationships, sexuality & gender) Needle and Syringe Exchange, Peer Education, workshops & STI screening for men who have sex with men. Other community education, prevention and training services offered. 664 Murray Street, West Perth, Admin: 08 9482 0000 AIDSline 9482 0044, Mensline 9322 8401 (Toll Free 1800 671 130) email:

If you’d like to advertise your community group here, and in every edition of our e-newsletter, please contact us at 

FEES including GST: Annual (unfunded) No charge, Annual (funded) $220.00
Inclusion is at editor’s discretion.