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Clive Palmer anti-trans election ads draw criticism

The ads have drawn scorn from newspaper readers and staff.

Queer Liberation Boorloo to mark Trans Day of Visibility

The group will hold a rally in the Northbridge Piazza.

Both major parties wait for final election results before moving forward

Who will be Ministers and action on leadership decisions is on hold while the final votes are counted.

July Sports Roundup

Loton Park Reach Winter Comp Semis Both the men's and women's team from Loton Park Tennis Club have made the Winter League semi-finals. The men's...

August Horoscopes

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR 19) When last we left off you were in the midst of a delusional psychosis, one which saw you thinking...

Facebook vs MySpace

THE CASE FOR FACEBOOK MySpace and Facebook share many of the same working parts – user profiles, events, groups, photo uploads, public comment spaces, instant...

Behind the Masks

Robert La Bua ignores bad press for good times in Papua New Guinea. It's not surprising that Papua New Guinea is misunderstood; no nation...

If the Shoe Fits…

You've set your alarm for the wee morning hours and rain, hail or shine you are going for a run. When 6am rolls around,...

The Case for Sterilisation

Thousands of cats and dogs are put to sleep every year because they are unloved and unwanted. They are the result of pet owners...

Wining & Dining Extravagance with Lee & Sandro

So another month has passed us by and we promised you all extravagance, and so, here we share with you some moments of extravagance...

Get Smart… Fortwo

The first time most of us remember seeing a smart fortwo, was when Patsy and Eddy from Ab Fab tore around the streets of...


Don't miss

Clive Palmer anti-trans election ads draw criticism

The ads have drawn scorn from newspaper readers and staff.

Queer Liberation Boorloo to mark Trans Day of Visibility

The group will hold a rally in the Northbridge Piazza.

Both major parties wait for final election results before moving forward

Who will be Ministers and action on leadership decisions is on hold while the final votes are counted.

David Polson to be remembered with a State Memorial

The community leader and health advocate passed away in February.

Just.Equal Australia has released its wish list for the 2025 federal election

Which parties will make commitments to law reform and significant changes?