Premier Colin Barnett and Opposition Leader Mark McGowan have both promised that they will allow a conscience vote on same-sex marriage if they win the State Election this March.
Barnett acknowledges that although he is not personally in favour of same-sex marriage, public support is growing.
The announcement has resulted in calls for Opposition leader Tony Abbott to offer the same at a Federal level. The Liberal leader has previously stated that he would model himself on Mr Barnett if he were to be voted in as Prime Minster.
Speaking to the West Australian, Mr Abbott said,
‘Can I say how much I respect the Premier of this State (WA), how much I have learnt from him, how much I wish to model myself on him should I get the opportunity to lead our country’.
WA Australian Marriage Equality (AME) Convenor, Brian Greig, stated ‘If, as Tony Abbott says, he wants to emulate Colin Barnet he should started with one of the key law reforms facing Australia today and allow a conscience vote on same-sex marriage’.
Mr Barnett joins other senior coalition members in support of the conscience vote, who include Barry O’Farrell, Joe Hockey, George Brandis and Barnaby Joyce.
‘The weight of Coalition opinion on a marriage equality conscience vote is quickly tipping towards support and we urge Mr Abbott to not be left behind’, said AME national director, Rodney Croome.
Nadine Walker