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New Opposition Leader on Notice

Queer groups around the country have welcomed the appointment of new Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd and his deputy, Julia Gillard and have called on...


December 1st marked the 18th anniversary of the creation of World AIDS Day and the WA AIDS Council honoured a number of Western Australians...

Gravity Games H20 in Review

For the third consecutive year, the Gravity Games H20 brought together thousands of predominantly young West Aussies to enjoy what is billed as the...


WHO - This group literally is made up of Parents Friends and Supporters of Lesbians and Gays. They have also branched out though to...


The future of the international queer community's answer to the Olympics is in doubt yet again with the announcement this week that the Montreal...

Yes, but you must be celibate

A practicing Roman Catholic gay couple in Canada say they're being driven from the church over their archbishop's opposition to their same-sex union. The Canadian...

Councillor comes out

Glasgow City Council leader, Steven Purcell put months of speculation about his sexuality to rest by coming out last Friday announcing that he has...

Same-Sex Custody Case

Earlier this month a Pennsylvania Supreme Court judge upheld a previous ruling that allowed a woman to keep primary physical custody of the twin...


Don't miss

NSW government supports all recommendations from inquiry into LGBT hate crimes

The response will include several new inquests into unexplained deaths.

Kylie’s got a new song, a new album and a world tour!

The world tour will begin in Perth in February 2025.

US parole board opts to keep Matthew Shepard’s killer behind bars

A parole board in Wyoming has turned down a...

David Templeman describes Albany councillor Thomas Brough “a dickhead”

Liberal leader Libby Mettam repeatedly refuses to say if she's spoken to Brough.

Police arrest more teens in case relating to dating app assaults

Four teenagers are now in custody, but police are still searching for another alleged offender.