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Save Farmer Dave's Sheep

Arguably most recognized farmer in the country, former Big Brother star Dave Graham is appealing for drought relief from his fans. On his website...

Additional funding for HIV/AIDS prevention programs Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Communities

The NSW State Government has launched a three year plan aiming at reducing the HIV infection rate by a quarter by 2009. As part...

Drug Use & Risk Taking Relationship still foggy

Previous studies looking at the relationship between recreational drugs and sexual risk taking have produced conflicting results. As published in the January 2nd edition...

Rugby Lover's Bust Up ends Pair up in Court

Openly gay former rugby league player Ian Roberts has faced court over an alleged attack on his former boyfriend, Ben Prideaux, at a backpacker...

From the Frying Pan into the Fire

Australia's chief Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, has been in the media spotlight again over controversial comments made in an interview given in...

Myspace or NotMyspace

A MySpace site that claims to be the profile of High Court Judge Michael Kirby may well be Myspace's first confirmed case of identity...

Back to School, Back to Homophobia?

On February the 1st approximately 250,000 young West Australians between the ages of 5 and 17 will return to the 800 primary and secondary...

Glowing Summer Tan

I think its fair to say that everyone loves a summer glow but nowadays most of us are hesitant to expose ourselves to the...


Don't miss

Users of PrEP urged to consider alternative strategies ahead of medication shortage

A shortage of PrEP medication means many people may have to develop alternative strategies.

Australian embassy in Iran sparks diplomatic incident with ‘Wear it Purple’ post

Iran has described a social media post as "disrespectful" to their local culture.

Noah Galvin and Ben Platt have tied the knot

Stars of screen and stage Noah Galvin and Ben...

Lidia Thorpe says census decision is “irresponsible and divisive”

The independent senator says the government should heed the recommendations of the Victorian coroner.

Will Ferrell and friend Harper Steele head off on a road trip

A new documentary see the comedian and his friend reflect on their relationship after Steele comes out as transgender.