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China refused to allow Gao Yaojie, the retired doctor and HIV/AIDS activist, who exposed blood buying schemes that infected thousands with the disease from...


Two Russian leaders recently made several anti-gay comments. President Vladimir Putin claimed gays were responsible for Russia's decreased birth rate, while Alexander Chuyev, a...


In Nigeria, a bill that bans GLBT groups and any expression of same-sex love will come to a vote before Parliament in the near...

Federal Government vetos relationship recognition.

Again this week the Federal Government has vetoed formal recogniton of gay and lesbian relationships in the ACT. The ACT government introduced a Civil...

New Mardi Gras, Anti-Community?

A sponsorship deal signed between Mardi Gras and Gaydar has meant rivals such as Pink Sofa will not be allowed to participate in Sydney's...

Howard Government does not favour gay couples adopting

It is believed that an amendment to the Family Law Act listed on the Government's circular to MPs about proposed legislation for Parliament's 2007...

Abbots' HIV prevention campaign welcomed with caution

Health Minister Tony Abbott has unveiled a new HIV prevention campaign specifically targeting gay men through adverts in mainstream media to the tune of...

Gay Unions "annoying" to the Australian Family Association

The Australian Family Association (AFA) has attacked Melbourne Council for proposing a relationship register for its gay and lesbian constituents. The plan would allow...


Don't miss

NSW government supports all recommendations from inquiry into LGBT hate crimes

The response will include several new inquests into unexplained deaths.

Kylie’s got a new song, a new album and a world tour!

The world tour will begin in Perth in February 2025.

US parole board opts to keep Matthew Shepard’s killer behind bars

A parole board in Wyoming has turned down a...

David Templeman describes Albany councillor Thomas Brough “a dickhead”

Liberal leader Libby Mettam repeatedly refuses to say if she's spoken to Brough.

Police arrest more teens in case relating to dating app assaults

Four teenagers are now in custody, but police are still searching for another alleged offender.