Directed by Christopher Nolan
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) specialises in stealing people's secrets while they are asleep by inserting himself in their dreams. That is...
Directed by Shirley Barrett
Meredith Appleton (Miranda Otto) vows to remain cheerful as the small boat approaches her new home – a baron, bleak island...
Directed by Claire McCarthy
Claire McCarthy first went to Calcutta in 2002 and did some volunteer work at an orphanage where she met many middle-class...
Directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Freidman
In 1955, Allen Ginsberg, a previously unpublished 29 year-old beat generation poet, revealed his vision of the world...
Directed by Christian Carion
The cold war was a time when Russia and America were competing for supremacy by building bigger and better weapons, blasting...