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Alex Greenwich wins defamation case against Mark Latham

The Federal Court has awarded Alex Greenwich $140,000 in damages finding that former One Nation NSW leader Mark Latham defamed him in a social media post in 2023.

Alex Greenwich, Mark Latham

New South Wales MP Mark Latham has been ordered to pay fellow politician Alex Greenwich $140,000 in damages over a tweet he posted in 2023. Latham previously turned down an offer to settle the case for $20,000.

“I have found that the first imputation relating to the primary tweet being that Mr. Greenwich engages in disgusting sexual activities was conveyed,” Justice David O’Callaghan said in his verdict.

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The judge did not find that the tweet also implied that Greenwich was not a fit and proper person to be a member of parliament, but it had been established that the initial post had caused or is likely to cause serious harm to Greenwich’s reputation.

“Mr Latham relied on two defences in relation to the publication of the primary tweet, namely honest opinion and common law qualified privilege, reply to attack. I have found that neither defence has been made out,” O’Callaghan said.

The court was adjourned until September when further directions will be issued.

Back in March 2023 Latham posted to social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, a graphic and homophobic tweet that accused Greenwich of engaging in “disgusting” sexual activities. OUTinPerth, like post publishers, has chosen not to republish the comment.

Latham posted the tweet in March in response to comments Greenwich made in the media where he labelled the NSW One Nation leader a ‘disgusting human being”. Latham had been speaking at a event where outside LGBTIQA+ posters were attacked and assaulted by a mob.

Latham deleted the tweet a few hours after he posted it, but brushed off calls for him to make an apology, including a directive from federal leader Pauline Hanson.

The comment was widely criticised by politicians and high profile media figures. Sky News host Andrew Bolt declared that he would no longer have Latham as a guest on his program. Bolt described the comment posted by Latham as something a “scumbag” would write.

New South Wales newly elected Premier Chris Minns said his government would have as little to do with the One Nation leader as possible.

Latham then went on to give several media interviews where he commented on Greenwich’s sexuality. He also later told an interviewer that he represented the views of straight men who found the thought of gay sex as something that would make them vomit.

Today judgement comprises a payment of $100,000 for non-economic loss, and a further $40,000 for aggravated damages.

The case was heard in Sydney, but the judgement was handed down in Melbourne. Alex Greenwich flew to Melbourne for this morning’s judgement. Outside court he said he hoped the finding would bring an end to “Trump-style” politics in Australia.

“The moment that tweet went out into the world, my life changed,” he said. “I dealt with an onslaught of abuse that I’ve never experienced in my life.”

Greenwich thanked his supporters, his mother and his husband for helping him through the challenging ordeal.

“We should have a higher standard of political discourse in Australia, and this judgment says that,” he said.

“I did it for my community as well. LGBTQ people experience this kind of bullying and abuse every single day in this country.” Alex Greenwich said.

OUTinPerth has approached Mark Latham for comment.


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