The Australin Christian Lobby has declared their outrage that a Drag Bingo event in Queensland is prompted as featuring a “sexy ball boy”.
Ball Out Bingo is run reguarly at multiple events around Queensland and is hosted by a drag performer.
The Australian Christian Lobby claims that promotional materials for the events which note the show also features a “sexy ball boy” is sexualising children and promoting pedophilia.

“This appears to be nothing other than a diabolical exploitation of young boys for adult’s sexual entertainment.” said Wendy Francis, the Australian Christian Lobby’s National Director of Politics.
“As a society, we cannot ignore blatant sexualization of children such as this. ‘Ballkids’, by definition and according to the rules, are aged between 11 and 16 years old. Australians who value the innocence of children have had enough.
“Young boys are not sex objects and any suggestion of otherwise is sick.” Francis said.
The Australian Chrisitan Lobby say they have contacted the Australian Federal Police to ” investigate whether a crime has been committed against minors.”

The event’s organisers say the statements from the ACL are ludicrous.
Speaking to the Star Observer, Balls Out Bingo owner Jan Thwaites said if Francis had bothered to reach out to the company, she’d have discovered the truth.
“The claims made by Wendy Francis from the ACL are completely misinformed and totally incorrect” she said.
“If Wendy Francis had bothered to reach out to Balls OUT Bingo prior to releasing this fairly slanderous media release, she would have been informed that ALL of our ‘sexy ball boys’ are well over the age of 18 years old.”
“The term ‘ball kid’ that Wendy Francis is using as her reference is a tennis reference and has nothing to do with the events that are provided by Balls OUT Bingo Brisbane” Thwaites explained.
Balls Out Bingo have confirmed their event is for people over 18 years of age, and all their performers are adults.