Scott-Patrick Mitchell’s poetry collection Clean is among the nominees for the WA Premier’s Book of the Year Award.
Mitchell’s book, which was published by local publisher Upswell, garnered critical acclaim and a lot of fans when it was released in 2022.
It’s now in the running for the $15,000 prize alongside Nimblefoot by Robert Drewe, The Red Witch: A Biography of Katherine Susannah Prichard, by Nathan Hobby, The Shield and the Spear: The Kimberly Land Council by Joe Fox and Thistledown Seed: A Memoir by Louise Helfgott.
The awards support, develop and recognise excellence in writing, the category of Book of the Year is a new inclusion in the awards which are mostly focused on Western Australian authors.
The other categories are the Prize for Emerging Writers, Children’s Book of the Year, The Daisy Utemorrah Award for unpublished Indigenous and YA Fiction – all come with a prize of $15,000.
The Western Australian Writer’s Fellowship awards the recipient a prize of $60,000. In the running for 2023 is Carolyn Wadley Dowley, Madison Godfrey, Michael Trant, Norman Jordensen, and Tracy Ryan.
The winners will be announced at an award ceremony at the State Library in June.
See all the nominees and awards.
OIP Staff
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