Community giving program The Channel has selected a program that aims to help people with disabilities breakdown barriers relating to sexuality as its project to fund in 2018.
New South Wales based Northcott Innovation‘s Velvet Expressions seeks to tackle one of societies last remaining taboos – disability and sexuality.
Velvet Expressions aims to give a voice to LGBTQI people with disability, specifically in regards to their capacity to engage in sexuality activities of their choosing and the barriers (be it physical, environmental, social) preventing them from participating in those activities.
The organisations aims is to create a more inclusive society for people with disability who identify as LGBTQI, using the tools of empowerment, choice and control.
The group say the approach they will utilise on Velvet Expressions is unique. Rather than assuming they understand the needs of LGBTQI people with disability, and creating solutions based on what they feel is best, Velvet Expressions will start by first listening to the stories and lived experiences of individuals, and then actively engage those individuals in the creation and design of possible solutions.
The project activity will aim to empower the sharing of views, opinions and perspectives of sexuality and disability through individual interviews or small group discussions held at LGBTQI safe community venues.
At the completion of the program Northcott Innovation will embark on a range of targeted fundraising activities in order to implement the solutions created and designed by the LGBTQI people with disability. Avenues for funding may include government grants, philanthropic donations, trusts and foundations.
The project won the funding after members of the group were giving the option of choosing between three different projects including a scheme at Perth based youth spot The Freedom Centre.
The $10,000 grant was available to projects that met the theme of Pride and Resilience.
Source: Media Release, Image: Matias Rengel