On Tuesday night The Disappearances Project had its Perth premiere in the Studio Underground at the State Theatre Centre. The Perth Theatre Company is hosting this production from Victorian based collective Version 1.0.
On a bare stage two actors sat facing the audience on opposite sides of the performance space. Behind them night time images of empty streets are projected. Throughout the show a mesmerizing soundscape engulfs the proceedings. Simultaneously the two characters begin to tell their stories of a missing loved one.
OUTinPerth invited a number of readers to join us to see the show; in return for the night out they provided us with their one sentence review of the show.
Rocka: It was inspirational and gave me an understanding of what people go through in those situations.
Rachael: It was extremely insightful and the use of imagery and sound drew me in to each character’s story.
Michelle: It opens your eyes and mind to life itself and how precious and short lived it can be.
Craig: It was thought provoking and intense, the concept and content are always in balance, and it subtly leaves you putting yourself in their place.
Benn: Rhythmic and tense; The Disappearances Project is as unnerving as it is informative in the world of missing persons.
Graeme: This show was hypnotic, the combination of the soundscape, vision and performance created a trance like tale of loss; you could not help but think of those you love the most and what you would do if you lost them.
The Disappearances Project is playing until Saturday July 30th,find out more.