A new study from the US published in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that teenagers who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual may be at a higher risk of unplanned pregnancy than their heterosexual peers.
Over 9000 New York City high school students were interviewed for the study, entitled ‘Sexual Orientation and Risk of Pregnancy Among New York City High-School Students’. Students were asked about their sexual orientation, previous sexual activities and whether they had ever caused or experienced a pregnancy.
It was found that risk was especially strong among female students. Only 13% of female students who identified as heterosexual or had only had male sexual partners reported pregnancies compared to 20% of female students who had had both male and female partners and 22% of female students who identified as lesbian or bisexual.
Among the male students interviewed the risk was greater for subjects who had both male and female partners. Of the male subjects surveyed, 37% of young males in the study who had male and female partners reported pregnancy involvement, as did 28% of male students who identified as gay or bisexual compared to only 10% of male students who identified as heterosexual and 9% of those who had only had female partners.
The study’s lead researcher Lisa Lindley told Gay Star News that the increased risk of pregnancy for LGB teens may be due to discrimination and lack of support resources.
Sophie Joske
Image: YAY Micro