The Chameleon Society welcomes all people – whether they are crossdressers, male to-female transsexuals or female-to male transsexuals – and their partners, families, and friends.
We try to provide an atmosphere where information is freely available and support for all can be found. If you are transsexual, remember that it is not only you who may require help, support and friendship. Those you care for often need support too.
The Chameleon Society has meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month at a discrete location in East Perth.
The meetings are usually from 8.00 pm until 10.00 pm and take the form of a social evening at which tea, coffee and cakes are served. It is an ideal opportunity to share experiences with others, and to get to know and understand yourself, or your partner, friend or family member.
The only thing we ask and expect is that you treat everyone equally and with respect.
There is an extensive library of material about crossdressing and transsexuality available which members may borrow from, including a range of DVDs and video tapes.
Apart from the regular Chameleons meeting nights, social events are also held at a number of bars, restaurants and from time to time, at the homes of different members.
For those members who desire it, direction can be given to various professionals such as general practitioners, endocrinologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.
Post: The Chameleon Society of Western Australia
P.O. Box 367
Victoria Park WA 6979.