Premium Content:

Diminutive, Demanding, Diva: Celebrating a Life on Stage, Ms Elaine Paige

Diminutive: Yes, Paige is 5 ft tall.
Demanding: ‘No…I’m just a professional,’ she remarked.
Diva: Over 41 years in the business and always at her peak, she OWNS this title!

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Such is the majesty of the First Lady of British Musical theatre that just to grab 30 minutes for a phone chat from France was a golden opportunity and definitely one not to be missed! I had read previously that other interviewers had found Paige to be difficult, so it was with trepidation in my voice, I held the phone and waited. One minute later….

‘Good morning, Ms Paige’, I said. ‘And good morning back to you, Terry’, she replied without drawing a breath.

‘Hey, we’re off to a good start,’ I thought – her voice sounded calm and somehow warming. Seizing my courage and unaware whether I was number 22 or 72 on the talk-fest queue that day; I started.

You have recorded 20 studio albums, which is the one you are most proud of?

Clearly, it would the Piaf album. It was very difficult to do as I don’t speak the language and then to sing authentically with a French accent required hours and hours of tweaking. I did have a French voice coach, who was a stickler for getting it right, but it was still very difficult to do and the one I’m most proud of. I will be singing songs from this album in my fortieth anniversary concert.

You have been praised for your performances in stage musical, plays and concert performances. Which do you enjoy the most?

I do prefer musical theatre roles rather than concerts, because in musical theatre you are playing a character from the beginning of the piece until the end, so what you are singing has some meaning to it. Playing a role or character is easier. With the concert format I am singing songs that are important to me with regard to my career and I link them with antidotes and connectively it tells a story. Some songs give me great strength and remind me of a time and place – and the audiences that have seen this production in the past have really been thrilled with it. I do like story-telling!

How many musicians will you be bringing with you on this tour?

I have a Musical Director, bass-player, guitar-player and drummer and most essentially I bring my own sound people with me as well on tour. To get the sound right for me is essential.

What was the funniest thing that ever happened to you on stage?

One of the funniest that always springs to mind is when I was playing the lead in the Boyfriend. I was playing the role of Maisie and I was singing the Charleston and tapping away with the male lead, Martin Smith. Everything was going to plan, but at one point in the number the choreographer had decided that I should run over and throw myself in his lap. I did this one night and of course I must have landed badly for him, his eyes welled-up in sheer pain and rendered us both speechless. The pair of us became hysterical with laughter that we couldn’t sing, tears rolling down our faces and still carried on dancing. We just fell apart on stage and the luckily the audience picked up the situation and laughed along with us.

What was the saddest time on stage for you?

When I playing the role of Norman Desmond in Sunset Boulevard, I was told I had breast cancer. I basically thought, this is it, I’m going to die. But, the show must go and all that jazz! I remember certain lyrics in one piece of music that suddenly had more weight to it, especially the song, ‘If we never said goodbye’. I realised then for the first time in my life that I had to look at my own mortality, and it was very frightening.

Does Elaine Paige have any regrets?

I regret that I’m not 25 years-old again!

How would you like to be remembered in 40 years time?

How would I like to be remembered….ummm I can’t think of anything witty to say expect I suppose….I was someone who was involved in a little window of brilliant British theatre…..and I was there!

Would you do it all again?

Definitely, yes definitely, it has been great and I’ve had a wonderful career, and it’s not over yet, I’m still enjoying life and singing all over the world. It has been a great ride!

Elaine Paige’s voice will raise the rafters at the Burswood Theatre on Monday, 2 November. To miss this Grand Dame of the Theatre would be a tragedy; I for one will definitely be there and stand proud to applaud one of the best entertainers and singers of our generation.

Other interesting facts about Elaine Paige:

-Born under the sign of Pisces, 5 March 1948

-First professional appearance on stage (UK): 1964.

-20 solo albums; eight certified gold and four multi-platinum/numerous cast albums.

-Since 2004 has hosted her own show on BBC Radio 2, Elaine Paige on Sunday.

-Never married or had children; had an 11-year relationship with lyricist, Tim Rice.

-For the role of Norma Desmond (Sunset Boulevard) the staircase steps had to be raised 6′ (15cm) in order to accommodate Paige’s short stature, or it would have been hard to see her behind the banister.



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